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Everything posted by movingfinger

  1. "Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know" John Keats, Ode on a Grecian Urn
  2. Graffiti Alley in Baltimore MD, Mamiya 645 Pro, Mamiya-Sekor 150mm f3.5 lens on Kodak Ektachrome100
  3. Can one (me?) claim that Weston's Pepper #30 is "perfectly banal"? Weston got banal before Eggleston, and so did many others. Check out Andre Kertesz, Fork, Paris 1928, can a composition be more 'banal' and yet more profound that this? Or are these two examples too absolutely gorgeous and artistic to be in the new banal category?
  4. Washington DC, June 2020
  5. Yes, I recall she was an excellent questioner and commenter. All her posts were thought provoking. I too miss her user-name on posts.
  6. Here is an interesting blog post discussing and comparing 'objectivity' in photography versus painting, and both these media compared to 'reality'. The author makes a compelling case and provides some concrete examples to back up his thesis that photography and painting are essentially the same, and neither can be said to capture reality. I suppose I conclude that he makes a good case since it pretty much dovetails with my own feelings all along, at least as regards photographs not equating with objective reality. Unlike the blog author however, I do see a rather distinct dividing line between a painting and a photograph. As concerns photographs and objectivity there is a quote from photographer Sally Mann's book "Hold Still, a Memoir with Photographs" that I like very much and often bring up in such discussions: How can a sentient person of the modern age mistake photography for reality? All perception is selection, and all photographs – no matter how objectively journalistic the photographer's intent – exclude aspects of the moment's complexity. Photographs economize the truth; they are always moments more or less illusorily abducted from time's continuum. This discussion of the art vs objectivity of photography comes up often and this blog post contributes some interesting ideas to the 'art' side of the debate. Here again is the link. What are your opinions on this matter if you have any? I say 'opinions' because there is no right answer (that's why it's in the 'Philosophy' forum ;) )
  7. Uh-oh, I'm in trouble. A few days back on "No Words" the topic was 'Re-Purposed'. I got this quick idea to get a photo of putting our COVID masks to (much) better use as eye-masks for sleeping. I wanted to be over and done quickly so I got a mask, put it over my eyes and slouched down in a chair, and asked my 8 year old granddaughter to snap a photo of me on my cell phone. When I posted it I thought about adding the words "taken by my granddaughter" but it is "no words", so I just posted it. The marvelous idea was of course mine, not to mention I was the stunning model. Now when this photo wins the Magnum and/or National Geographic "Best Photo of the Year" award I'll have to share accolades and prize money with my granddaughter. Oh and all the 'likes' it received in "no words" actually belong to her. This post is my coming clean.
  8. movingfinger

    East River Blues

    Lower Manhattan from Brooklyn, NYC
  9. movingfinger

    Naples Italy
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