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Tony Parsons

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Everything posted by Tony Parsons

  1. The answer was 'NO !' Took it anyway
  2. Couldn't get any closer - d*mned fences !
  3. Mirror on The Wall
  4. Update - I passed, now waiting for my certificate.
  5. Pentax K20D 6400 ISO uncropped
  6. Gadzooks, sirrah, I don't need to come here to be insulted - I can go anywhere the light's good !! Backstory - injuries caused when I fell over outside the pub. The embarrassing part is that I was on my way IN ...🥵 BTW, you can't offend me - I'se two iggerant T
  7. Your wish is my command : Not actually convinced this supports my case, but still .........
  8. Don't think this was actually CAPTCHA, but didn't look, just laughed. Anyway, I'm very seldom in a hurry - realised a long time ago I can't get in my grave until they've dug it. 😄
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