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Everything posted by Trigger_Happy

  1. Airbags? I did not know this was valuable goods. My image for this week is rock. The rock we have on this island is as old as the earth itself. So this it what it looks like 4,543×10^9 years later.
  2. I do hope the pills are doing their job and that they are not making you feel sick. My mother-in-law is currently on her third set-back being treated with chemotherapy. It is not an easy ride. I took a picture of a school that has been closed down by the council. However, there is now a private company starting it up again and I have my hopes for this school as it was very important for the community. My apologies for the sloppy edit. 5D Mark IV, 24-70mm 2.8 I don't have a daily ritual, except coffee. I need to think about this.
  3. That settles it then. We have met very different people.
  4. It can also be because we have quite different starting-points. As my friend from the Czech Republic puts it: "Sweden is the only country that accepted communism without a revolution." It is of course a joke, but it wouldn't be funny if there wasn't a grain of truth in it. We still have a party that attracts 10 per cent of the population that wants to destroy the free market and abolish private property.The leader for that same party openly regrets the fall of the Soviet union and the fall of the Berlin wall. So it is in comparison to that I interpret the world. :)
  5. I'm not so sure. Having worked in a polish project, bought a boat from a polish shipyard and hiring a couple of polish workers, my take is different. Yes, they have the same affiliation to bureaucracy and stamps and signatures with the correct titles, but on the same time they seem to have a healthy skepticism towards communism, socialism and oppression of opinions. Some refer to Poland as the "happy camp" since they were allowed religion. But still, they were not allowed to own a boat. It's unimaginable but yet again maybe not. Anyway, we owe them big time.
  6. According to the legend, there are four cairns in Kyrkesund that was formed when St Olav turned trolls into stone. His ship was so fast it is also told that it split the land in two creating a canal now known as Kyrkesund. Well, who knows. 5D Mark IV, 24-70mm
  7. There has been a number of forest fires. Some large and some not so large. None on the island on which I live. No one was killed which is nothing but a small miracle. Polish fire-fighters went all in and came to our rescue since Sweden somehow forgot that we needed to have resources to fight such fires. So a big thank you to Poland! :)
  8. @Mark Keefer I'm curious. Snails, RR and an old divers helmet? In what context was this shot?
  9. It has been an extraordinarily dry summer in Sweden. Not since 1868 has the summer been this dry and hot. A large number of Swedes migrated to the US due to famine that year. Luckily we have other options today. This little deer came just by the house to look for some greens. Canon 70D, Sigma 300 f4
  10. Skärhamn. A village on the island that I live on. 5D Mark IV, 24-70mm
  11. Met mr Grashopper 5D Mark IV Tokina 100mm Macro
  12. This couple has a very beautiful boat. It's a traditional boat on the Swedish west-coast called an open "snipa". 70D 300 mm 4.0 Sigma
  13. How long do they stay like that? Looks terrible. It was with mixed emotions I pressed like, that's for sure.
  14. One of my three daughters. 5D Mark IV, 24-70mm
  15. This is called "rose of Valdemar". I just liked how it reached through the red fence and how the sun lit it from behind. Summer is definitely here. 5D Mark IV 24-70mm
  16. Toddlers are the best and worst to photograph (blurry but cute). Also, gingerbread houses have a technical life-time which expires sometime before Easter. 5D Mark IV, 24-70
  17. I do - for video. But for photo I'd rather have the sharper lens that can open up wide.
  18. I have the 24-70mm L 2.8 II, or in whatever order the designations go. I bought it because it was the sharpest lens and that I know that L-lenses really deliver in terms of color and contrast. It is very sharp. It sits on my 5D Mark IV and I do not consider it bulky. I do not regret that purchase.
  19. Lovely old cars! Here's a panorama. 5D Mark IV 24-70mm
  20. These lifebuoys can be found both here and there. 5D Mark IV, 24-70mm
  21. In between computers at the moment. Currently calibrating my new screens. DisplayCal is a very good tool combined with my Spyder5. Takes for ever to calibrate, my word. 5D Mark IV, Sigma 300mm f4
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