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Everything posted by rajmohan.

  1. <p>2. Blue wall<br> <img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/779/23036965234_9e9b0355e8_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  2. <p><strong>Mike</strong> and <strong>Donald</strong> - lovely old slide images. I love the third image in each of your sets!<br> <strong>Bill</strong> - I'm in awe of the gorgeous tones in your pictures! Very lovely.<br> Here are 3 from me, all shot on the same day with my Zeiss Contarex Cyclops/Bullseye and the 85mm f2 Sonnar on Fuji Superia 400; sadly, unlike many of you, I lack the skillset to develop my own film, so this is lab processed. This was my first test roll on my third Contarex body - the first 2 I purchased had issues with light leaks and poor film advance, and (touch wood) I seem to be lucky the third time around!<br> 1. Facade in red<br> <img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/610/23369444790_c4693e7c4a_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  3. <p>Peter - thank you very much for all the detailed information. Much to digest!</p>
  4. <p>Donald - these are all the images from that roll. Other images from that day were shot on my digital camera, albeit with an older manual Contax lens - if you're still interested, a few are on my general photostream at Flickr (<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/107946629@N08/">https://www.flickr.com/photos/107946629@N08/</a>), if you scroll down a few rows.</p>
  5. <p>Hi Tony<br> Unfortunately it didn't come through. Perhaps you could send it directly to my email: icanhearmusik@rajmohan-fotograf.com<br> Thank you,<br />Raj</p>
  6. <p>Don't know about "sex appeal", but if you want a camera that "triggered admiration every time you pulled it from the bag", in my experience that has happened most consistently with my twin-lens reflex cameras (not with any of my SLRs or rangefinders) - people will talk to you, or talk about your TLR, or both. And in terms of image quality, a well-composed/exposed 6x6 negative from a $100 TLR will comfortably exceed the quality achievable with a 35mm camera that may cost much more.</p>
  7. <p>Hi Peter<br> I use a V600 and I'm pretty happy with the results. But I'd be very interested in your workflow and scanning skills (your image here is fantastic). Would you be able to share some details of how you scan your negatives?<br> Thank you,<br> Raj</p>
  8. <p>Hello Mike,<br /> Unfortunately it has taken much longer than I had hoped to put a roll through the camera you so generously gave away (and develop/scan the negs), but finally I've managed it! Rather than post images individually here (which is painfully slow), I've included a link to the gallery of images from the first roll:<br /> <a href="https://flic.kr/s/aHskqwUcMC"><strong>https://flic.kr/s/aHskqwUcMC</strong></a><br /> There is a bit of flare in some images (I didn't use a hood on the lens), which I rather like.<br /> All in all, it was great fun shooting with this gear, so my warmest thanks again to you for passing it on to me!<br /> Raj :)</p>
  9. <p>Tony, Donald and Art - thank you for sharing your experiences and advice. Looks like there's no way around having it serviced by someone who knows these cameras.<br> Thanks again,<br />Raj</p> <p>(PS - Tony, I've also sent you an internal message via photo.net; thanks)</p>
  10. <p>Great images from everyone, as always - thank you for sharing them.<br> Tony - it's great to see such lovely images from a lens in such poor condition (I recently bought a Mamiya 645 lens categorised as 'ugly' for use on my 35mm cameras, and after seeing your images, I have some hope that I can get something useful out of it!).<br> Donald and Mike - I'm also a fan of the TLRs and own a Yashica-Mat, which is a lot of fun to use (and a great conversation starter). </p>
  11. <p>My three are all shot with a Summitar 50mm f2 lens on a Sony A6000 (I hope the submission of images from a classic manual lens on a digital camera isn't against the rules).</p> <p>1. Fifth Avenue Windows<br> <img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/747/23395157376_95d1074d6d_b.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p>2. Neon Signs<br> <img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/646/23195936300_40c6a8bd5e_b.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p>3. Fenestrations<br> <img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/583/23357173372_f6f2edba2a_b.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="571" /></p>
  12. <p>Hello folks,<br> I took my Ambi Silette out for its first shoot with the 50, 90 and 35mm lenses in my bag.<br> Prior to heading out, I dry fired the camera multiple times to check the function and the shutter speeds, and everything looked, sounded and worked as it should.<br> With Tri X in place, I started firing away, only to find that the shutter button could be depressed all the way with no shutter release. After each depression, the button could not be depressed unless the film was advanced. Once the film was advanced, same issue again! So having run through half the film this way, I rewound and removed the film, and worked the camera with the back open. I then realized that what was happening was that when I depressed the shutter button, nothing happened; but when I wound the film on (to allow me to depress the shutter button again), the shutter fired as the wind lever returned to its resting position! I've never seen this issue with any of my old cameras, and I would be very grateful for any advice or assistance in remedying this problem. I don't want to spend a fortune on this, but given that I've invested in the full set of lenses, I'd really like to have this camera working.<br> Many thanks in advance for your assistance!<br> Raj</p>
  13. <p>Nice one, Barry! Mine is from a few days ago, shot on a Sony A6000 with a Leica Summitar 50 f2.</p> <p><img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/583/23357173372_f6f2edba2a_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  14. <p>Hello<br> I'm trying to find some lens caps for my Superb. I saw some Bakelite 29mm lens caps for a Yashica TLR (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yashica-29mm-Bakelite-Cap-With-White-Letters-/161879077795?hash=item25b0beb3a3:g:Wi8AAOSwo6lWOnxe), but I'm not sure if this will fit the Superb, or whether there are other options I should be looking for.<br> Many thanks!<br />Raj</p>
  15. <p>Tony and Kerkko - thank you for your input. The sets should arrive today, so I'll find out for myself first hand!<br> Tony - the ConSol is a rare version of the Contax D (as far as I can tell, the only difference being the inscription on the front plate). As for Voigtlaender, I'm also a big fan - they have some quirks, but are beautifully made. I bought a Vitessa T some time ago, and have recently bought a Superb. I also bought a Prominent with lenses, but the focusing mechanism/mount was misaligned, and I had to return it (a great pity!). </p>
  16. <p>A quick update, in case enyone is interested in follow-up: the person with the Retina IIIc set was kind enough to offer me, in addition, a Zeiss Ikon ConSol (with Biotar 58/2, Travenar 50/2.8 and a couple of other lenses), and a Voigtlaender Vitessa A (with Ultron 50/2) for a very good price. Though I'm running out of space for my cameras, it was far too good a deal to pass up. So I've taken the plunge. Now to go shopping for furniture to house my acquisitions!<br> As always, I'm grateful to members of this forum for sharing your experiences and advice.</p>
  17. <p>Thank you for the additional information, Arnie, Ben and Dinis - it's all very helpful. <br> Raj :)</p>
  18. <p>Thank you, Robin, Brian and David.<br> The consensus seems to be that it is a good performer if in good condition, and that it can be a little fiddly to use. Fiddly is no problem (I recently purchased a Zeiss Contarex and a Voigtlaender Prominent - unfortunately the latter had to be returned owing to a defective lens mount), but I might ruminate some more, especially about whether the IIIS might be a better option. I already have a Retina Reflex IV and its lenses, and I understand that they are usable on a IIIS body.</p>
  19. <p>Daniel - thank you for your response.<br> I do appreciate and enjoy using several cameras from yesteryear (1940s-1970s), including some of the less user-friendly units, so my decision to proceed is not entirely dependent on convenience. Rather a question of whether the quality and unique user experience of this $250 system would be a better bet than investing that money into, say an additional lens for one of my other vintage systems - of course, the answer to this question will be a personal one for each individual, but I'm interested to hear the opinions of those who have used the IIIc (and other vintage systems).</p>
  20. <p>Hello everyone,<br />I have the opportunity to purchase Retina IIIc with a complete set of 50/35/80 lenses, case and accessory finder in good condition. I have a IIa, and really like it. The reason the IIIc set appeals to me is that the lenses are all Rodenstock Heligons rather than the more common Schneider Xenons. However, having read some reviews about the difficulty of use of the IIIc with the different lenses (no RF coupling, necessitating focusing with the RF, and transferring the distance to the lens focusing scale), I'm in two minds.<br />Do any of you have experience with using lenses other than the standard on the IIIc (or other Retina folders)? Is it a pain that likely trumps my lust for the Heligon lenses? <br />Thanks in advance for your help!</p>
  21. <p>Here's one for the 11th - as seen on a walk in Hell's Kitchen, a door with its metal surface panel sheared off brusquely, presumably to let in some light.<br> (Mamiya Six Automat II / Kodak T-Max 100)<br> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5801/21901588019_bc83c20d76_b.jpg"%20width="742"%20height="800"" alt="" /></p>
  22. <p>And 3. Figures on a Street<br> (Franka Solida III / TMax 100)<br> <img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/742/22003676272_158e0d5f3a_b.jpg"%20width="782"%20height="800"" alt="" /></p>
  23. <p>2. Quintessential New York - yellow cab, NYPD and the Waldorf Astoria<br> (Franka Solida III / TMax 100)<br> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5735/22045291681_3469074cd1_b.jpg"%20width="789"%20height="800"" alt="" /></p>
  24. <p>Hello everyone, most interesting to see the great images, and to hear of misadventures with film. It makes me feel less stupid for making the many mistakes I've made (inadvertently opening loaded cameras, shooting rangefinders with lens cap on, etc etc...).<br> Anyway, here are a few where I made fewer mistakes than usual:<br> 1. Window shopping (Zeiss Ikon Contarex / Distagon 35mm f4 / Fuji Superia 400)<br> <img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/629/22078377871_3f1d78f70c_b.jpg"%20width="800"%20height="774"" alt="" /></p>
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