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Everything posted by rajmohan.

  1. <p>3. Christmas decoration<br> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5669/23575359529_0e700a7963_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  2. <p>2. Christmas tree shopping<br> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5741/23834963652_67ea0ccfd7_b.jpg" alt="" width="789" height="800" /></p>
  3. <p>I have 3 on a Christmas theme, all shot during my first walk-around with my Rolleiflex 2.8E. This is the test roll of Tri-X.<br> 1. Christmas tree lights<br> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5668/23314990084_88acff5103_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  4. <p>Nice results from a lovely old lens! Great stuff!!</p>
  5. <p>John - as with most things, I believe that the beauty of lenses is very much a personal thing. I'm sure that I also have some preferences that go against the grain of conventional wisdom!<br> Brian - thank you for the image from the Elmar. I quite like how it renders - another option added to the list.<br> Arthur - this is good to know. I tend to shoot wide open fairly frequently, but am not often seeking edge-to-edge sharpness wide-open, so these options are also in the running.<br> Raid - great list of options, with none of which I imagine I can go too wrong. I recently saw a rigid Summicron with some issues but at a great price on RFF, but unfortunately it was sold just as I was about to take the plunge. Having tried one out, I am rather partial to the first generation Summicron for its handling and balance on the M3. I'll just have to continue to be patient...</p>
  6. <p>Greg - Beautiful photographs from a camera that (for all its quirks) I really like! Thank you also for your scanning tips - I might have to give my Vuescan software another try.</p>
  7. <p><strong>Brian</strong> - thank you for suggesting these more affordable alternatives. I do like the older-style rendering of these old lenses, so they are definitely useful options.<br> <strong>Yuki</strong> - Thanks; it's good to know that the collapsible Summicron (also suggested by Brian) allows close focusing with SOMKY.</p>
  8. <p>Great set of images, everyone!<br> Darin: Thank you - the finder on the Vitessa is a little squinty, but the wheel focusing is a great idea, and I agree that lens is stunning!<br> Rick: The FE is a lovely camera - so compact and smooth.</p>
  9. <p>And finally: Exit left (Konica IIIA / Lomo Color 100)<br> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5790/23657272832_21017e0c85_b.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="514" /></p>
  10. <p>Second - Claus Clones (Exakta Varex VX / Carl Zeiss Biotar 58mm f2 / Lomo Color 100)<br> <img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/593/23530190990_2424a88257_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  11. <p>Hi folks, a couple of recent ones from me:<br> First - Afternoon light in the city (Voigtlaender Vitessa A / Ultron 50mm f2 / Tri-X)<br> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5644/23438806589_da168d7c39_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  12. <p><strong>Jochen</strong>: Thank you for sharing your experience. I agree that using my M39 50mms is a good place to start, and if I find a burning need for a Leitz 50mm lens, I'll burn a hole in my wallet at that time! For my style of shooting, I'm not fussed about going as fast as f1.4, so the Summicrons would suit me fine. I'm leaving the 35mm aside for the moment, but your suggestion is definitely a consideration once I familiarize myself with the camera at 50mm (and 90mm).<br> <strong>Knut</strong>: I think that <strong>Spencer</strong> may have included the comment about the shoe-mounted viewfinder/rangefinder to allow for wider (than 50mm) lenses and lenses that don't have RF coupling on the M3. Luckily all my M39 50s (with adapter) do have RF coupling. If I do choose wider lenses in future, I agree that an external viewfinder would be desirable.<br> Thanks again, folks!<br> Raj :)</p>
  13. <p>Thank you, everyone!</p> <p><strong>John, Spencer and David</strong>: It sounds as if until I'm willing to take the large financial plunge into the Summilux abyss (lovely though it may be), I can get great results from the M39 50mm lenses I already have, which is a reassuring thought. <strong>David</strong> - it's also good to hear that the 85mm Serenar is a good performer - I'll look into it.<br> <strong>Arthur</strong>: Thank you for your comments and the Erwin Puts link - I'll study this. I do apologize for not making my goals clear - I prefer the rendering of old glass to the clean/clinical look of many modern lenses. I also like the engineering and build quality of 1950s-70s era cameras/lenses. But of course, modern lenses have the better coatings and are likely to be in better condition. So your suggestion of the 70s Summicron and Tele Elmarit 90mm sounds like a good compromise.<br> <strong>Mukul</strong> and <strong>Arthur</strong> - thanks for the Hexanon suggestion. I had not considered this lens previously.<br> <strong>Stephen</strong>: I am considering (eventually) investing in a digital Leica body, but I do like the older style of rendering more than the clean modern look. So much so that I haven't bought a lens made in the last 4 decades for my current digital bodies. So an older (Mandler-era) Summicron might well be the ticket for me!<br> <strong>Glenn</strong>: Thank you - I am currently playing with a 15mm Voigtlander lens that I borrowed from a Leicaphile friend. It seems very nice, but lacks the heft and silken smoothness of the DR Summicron that he also lent me (but I suppose that's to be expected given the differences in year of production and price).<br> <strong>James</strong>: I do have a 90mm f4 Elmar in M39 mount, presumably the older version. I might give it a try, as you suggest, and if it doesn't suit, then look to other options.</p> <p>Thanks again for your comments - this is such a wonderful forum with members who are generous with helpful advice. I'm very grateful, and now have to go away and chew on all this food for thought!</p>
  14. <p><strong>Michael</strong> - I love my 50mm M39 lenses, but I wasn't sure if a native M-mount lens would perform better on the M3. I might be mistaken, in which case, your advice is sound.<br> However, I don't have a 90mm lens at present, and I'd like to acquire one.</p>
  15. <p>Hello folks,<br />I recently acquired a beautiful ss-M3. <br /> I have some 50mm M39-mount lenses (Summitar, Elmar, Serenar, Nikkor) that I can adapt, but I'd also like to add two M-mount lenses (50mm and 90mm). Having read numerous reviews of a slew of Leica and non-Leica lenses, I'm less sure than when I started out (when I had the rigid or DR Summicron and the Elmarit as the choices). I'd be very grateful for your advice/recommendations about M-mount lenses or about sticking with my M39 lenses.<br /> Thank you,<br />Raj</p>
  16. <p>Hello folks, I'll take the 13th :).</p> <p>Jagged - Bronica RF645 / Bronica 65mm f4 / T-Max 400<br> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5809/23669112526_fb809af769_b.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p> </p>
  17. <p>Ditto here, <strong>Donald</strong> (minus the developing part, which in my case is in the hands of the lab!)</p>
  18. <p><strong>Matthew</strong> - what a cool thing to do, to give away stuff you no longer need; kudos to you!</p>
  19. <p>Good to hear the advice about classic Leicas from everyone - mine is still being shipped to me, but after hearing of your experiences, I'll be keeping it as long as I possibly can!</p>
  20. <p>Sounds like you have a plan! It might be worth choosing a DSLR that has interchangeable focus screens so that you can replace the factory screen with a microprism or split focusing screen to help focusing the manual lenses. I have a devil of a time focusing using the factory screen in a 5D3.</p>
  21. <p>Jim, thank you for the clarification - that's a load off!<br> I definitely have RF love! And all my RF cameras are film :)</p>
  22. <p>I think that I may have committed a (possibly cardinal) sin! I posted a picture shot using a Leica lens but on a digital non-Leica body. Is this against the rules? Or can submitted images be made using any one of: Leica camera, Leica lens and/or other rangefinder?<br> If I have broken the rules, my apologies in advance!</p>
  23. <p>I would second Anthony's opinion - there have been many people who sold their classic Leicas and have regretted it! I just bought my first M (an M3) after a very long wait, mainly because I didn't want to buy the wrong unit (for price, condition or ergonomic reasons) and have to sell it!<br> Having said that, if you really need the money, you may have no other alternative. In that case, the body is probably more expendable than the lens, as the latter (especially if a good performer in good condition) can be adapted for use on your digital body (or if your circumstances improve in future, on your to-be-acquired Leica M bodies, film or digital).<br> You don't have to restrict yourself to Nikons, as manual Nikkor lenses can be easily mounted on other bodies with adapters. And for under $800, you're probably in the realm of crop sensor cameras (APS-C or M43), so your choices include Sony (eg A6000), Olympus (EM5) or Fuji (but the interchangeable Fujis are more expensive, I think). I have a Sony A6000, on which I use a range of manual lenses, including Leica screw mount, Leica R, Zeiss, Nikkor (non-AI, AI and AIs), Canon etc etc. For me, it delivers, as a lightweight and compact camera that allows me to use a big range of legacy glass. My full frame DSLR has its own uses, but the Sony works well for general shooting and travel.<br> Just my two cents' worth :)</p>
  24. <p>Thanks for the heads-up, <strong>Tony</strong>. Not sure what happened - trying again:</p> <p>1. Red facade<br> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5681/23667795125_c696b48456_b.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p>2. Blue wall<br> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5652/23040728383_eef3ae3458_b.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p>3. Market<br> <img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5715/23641720346_a8a72178f5_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  25. <p>3. At the market<br> <img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/638/23556575512_86016f8142_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>
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