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Image Comments posted by von_mcknelly

    Old and new


    The simplicity of the image as a whole and the lack of people in what one would think to be a busy downtown is why this is a fabulous photojournalism style shot. 



    I find this to be over the top creative...well done on good story telling in a single image. And we all know that's not an easy task to accomplish. Kudos to you Jack.

    DSC_8954 copy


    Great composition and location to catch the right light...I like how the background fades away. My monitor may be different than yours (or everyone's for that matter) but I'm seeing a pinkish gray skin tone under the subjects neck. As I said, it may very well be how I'm seeing it. Any way....lovely portrait work!

    Proud Mum


    Incredible imagery...the emotional impact of the subject matter alone is over the top, but to have captured the moment of the mother's glance with so much love in her eyes....wow!



    I find your image to be on the right track....clean lighting and a touch of emotion captured in the subject. Rule of thirds are in use and it's fine, except that the fingers are cropped off...OUCH! The background and subject are a little flat...if the background was darkened then the subject would pop out at the viewer a bit more. I do like his little smirk...well done.



    Big sky!


    I've seen this image in your portfolio before but really didn't know what to say about it...I believe now I do. It screams isolation with a dash of misery, and yet relays peacefulness and comfort at the same time. It confuses me and that's why I like it.

  1. I love seeing an image and thinking, somethings wrong here...out of place or shouldn't be there. Boats half submerged in icy water definitely catches my eye. Gray scale and composition, top shelf Marco. 



    Focus stacking is something new to me...thanks for bringing that to me attention. I have ran into the problem of unwanted softness in the past but now I that have the "focus stacking" concept deeply seated in my brain housing group...life is good. Thanks for the tip!!



    Working with a shallow DOF can be a tricky thing. What to leave in focus

    and what to leave out of focus, is often subjective.

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