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Everything posted by von_mcknelly

  1. I started shooting 6x7 roll film back in the day. A good size negative to crop without loss of detail. I still shoot 6x7 but I do love the 6x6 square format. At the end of the day it makes no matter to me what size I shoot with as long as the content is there.
  2. I recently found 3 rolls of exposed 120 film in a camera bag I haven't used in 7 years. I was pretty excited to be developing film again so I went out and picked up 10 rolls of 120 film. I won't forget to develop the next patch.
  3. Shot with my Yashica Mat TLR camera.
  4. von_mcknelly

    Miya, Rollei and me.

    Self portrait with my Frenchie babies. They are both named after cameras.
  5. von_mcknelly


    Thanks you for the Wyeth comparison. Every time I look at this I can feel his art. (hope that's not weird to say)
  6. von_mcknelly


    Thanks. The wood is from a 200 year old barn and I use the skillet every day.
  7. Thanks! Panned my Nikon F4 for this shot of a SF streetcar.
  8. Here are a few tips I've found that work for me along my 30 year journey as a photographer. Cutting off fingers is painful...keep the finger in the frame. 🙂 Jewelry can be distracting. In this case it's the watch. Move the subject away from the background and use a short DOF to soften said background. I find the using curves in PS can make the face pop off the page. The image is a tad flat in other words. Watch for hair fly-a-ways. Hair can be a pain to shoot and style at the same time. I hope these tips help you along your journey as a photographer.
  9. Now here's a different twist on shooting a falling leaf...
  10. von_mcknelly

    A Night Stroll

    So film noir, I half way expect Sam Spade to walk into the scene.
  11. von_mcknelly


    I can appreciate the time and effort it takes to create this wonderful image.
  12. von_mcknelly

    Shopping Cart

    This image so has that "Twilight Zone" feel to it...the dark shadows and hooded pedestrian add up to spooky. Well done Tony.
  13. Very eye catching landscape work...it seems to be a bit centered and at the same time it's what I like about it.
  14. Well worth the trip back to this location. Loving the dark ominous sky that comes from the longer exposure. But, and it's only my opinion, but I find the old house to be bright and cheerful and not in line with the sky. A little creative dogging and burning should do the trick. Other than that, I think it's a wonderful landscape shot.
  15. von_mcknelly

    Venice canal 5

    Very cool...showing motion in a still is a great way to go here.
  16. von_mcknelly


    I do expect a unicorn to come prancing into this beautiful scene any moment.
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