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Image Comments posted by von_mcknelly



    I see that some creative thought went into this lovely still life artwork. I've had a look at your portfolio and I have to tell you Michel, it's impressive.



    Her expression has an emotional impact and I like the fact that this is in B&W. Normally I would like to see the face smoothed out a bit, but with this image the realness is it's power.   

    old tower


    I think this is brilliant and I would love to have an image like this in my portfolio. And if I did I would want to do some dodging and burning on the background...as it is, the entire image is a bit flat. I'd want the tower to really POP off the page.

    'The Break'


    RULE OF THIRDS? More of a guideline really. I think you have a story being told here John and it works well in B&W. My take on the image as a whole is the crop. The two passerby's with their back to the camera don't work with the story of the men sitting around on a break. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it....sweet street shot however you want to look at it.




    Even though I have never worked on a motor of any sort I still find them fascinating specially in a B&W images such as this...deep rich tones and grease. Guess it's a guy thing. Well done Tony!  

  1. Great location for this type of image. The wardrobe styling and lighting is magazine quality. I'll have to agree with Bill Jordan when it comes to the pose. It is a bit over exaggerated, unless of course she has just be stood up at the alter. I do realize that there may have been restrictions as to which angle to shoot from and I'm sure this was shot from many angles but for me...I prefer an up shot rather than a down shot. With that said, I still think it's a beautiful image worthy of a brides wedding album.

    stil life


    I find that still life works best when you have three objects in the frame. Now that's more of a guideline rather than a rule. I do like your subject matter and the muted lighting...gives it that turn of the century look. It very subjective, but I'd like to see a hint of background to add perspective. Sweet choice of shapes and the texture on the bottles.




    I believe you have a good head shot here. Lighting, background, makeup and most of all an emotional expression from the subject are all present here, but, and I mean this in the nicest way. If it was my shot I would have been level with the subject instead of shooting at a downward angle. If you're going to use a headband make sure the hair is tidy and not puffed up at the top...I would like to see the hair off the subjects left shoulder and the flyaways sprayed down. Her false eye lashes could use a bit of photo shopping as well as some skin smoothing. You're on the right track Don...it's the little details that make the difference.

    Early Spring!


    My favorite time of year. When all is renewed and the days a warmer so that we may go out and play with nature.

    The light hitting the water droplets makes me think of the morning and the fresh sent of the day. 

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