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Everything posted by william_littman1

  1. <p>Subject: THE LITTMAN OPUS+ ARTE GALLERIES ARE NOW OPEN<br> https://www.facebook.com/Littman-Opus-Arte-Collection-Photo-Galleries-1164820563535967/<br> Dear Members<br /> have you used a Littman own one borrowed one.<br /> <br /> we would love to have your images showcased in this non commercial gallery</p>
  2. <p>I find it irrelevant to give a title to whether he captured - took -stole images but I would emphasize that his contribution helped those who came after in obtaining clever pictures while capturing spontaneity instead of just compliance with clever technical complexities to then obtain what looks like any other boring mug shot.<br> he reminded us not to waste time being crash test dummies for cameras film or sensors and to take pictures that excite the senses.</p>
  3. <p>https://www.facebook.com/Littman-Opus-Arte-Collection-Photo-Galleries-1164820563535967/</p> <p>Dear Members<br /> have you used a Littman own one borrowed one.<br /> If so please contact us at <a href="mailto:opusartecollection@gmail.com">opusartecollection@gmail.com</a><br /> to have your images showcased in this non commercial gallery</p>
  4. <p>Great Responses<br> BTW there is a guy on NYC doing wet plate workshops and may be by now selling plates he coats himself.<br> Ultimately this can be easily done in ps . The info on wet plate being on the blue side makes sense as tends to have dense skin tones wondering if using a blue filter may help. I agree that uncoated lenses are a good aid and work with tessars and heliars a lot.</p>
  5. <p>Dear Members<br> I have experimented for years on a budget from Kodak Agfa etc but those days are lonnnng gone lol<br> My great great grandfather was one of the first photographers a Swedish painter who moved to Russia<br> Karl peter Mazer and contemporary of Daguerre who he was close with.</p> <p>http://dag-ru.livejournal.com/2029.html</p> <p>My grandfather was a renowned portraitists in the early 1900s in Argentina. here is a shot of my eldest brother with glass plate.</p> <p>My question is can pulling- underexposing be used to mimic the ISO 1 LOOK ?</p> <p>I already use wet plates on my cameras and glass plates with the shen hao adapter but just curious.</p> <div></div>
  6. <p>Einstein said everything goes around in cycles. true progress or evolution isn't linear - that is presented as such by the consumism push to sell new products based on planned obsolescence in what refers to the monetary aspect which plays a role.</p> <p> The other aspect which plays a role from a philosophical standpoint is the groundhog day effect when the competitiveness to outperform our parents" not your grandfathers Oldsmobile" as in what is New is presented as inevitably better when no doubt a case can be made for convenience only until your intervention is entirely unnecessary as automation has rendered you and any intelligence required as obsolete. </p>
  7. <p>John is right. and I add that Bellows can be deceiving as for example in the 110 series Polaroid these original bellows are now over 50 years old to say the least and if you check them for leaks while installed they may appear to be fine at first but then you get sporadic leaks all the time, Why?<br> There answer is simple the inner and outer bellows have become separated as the glue has dried into a powdery layer and so there are times when the many many holes are masked by the inner bellows displaced from their intended position but then you focus the camera and your film comes back with fog or pinholes or streaks in different places according to which hole gets exposed. By the year 2000 I decided to never use the original bellows as even the ones which don't leak if torn apart will have dozens upon dozens of holes or will soon get them when put back in use as the whole thing is just brittle. </p>
  8. <p>Bob<br> I have a question as well<br> where would it be appropriate to post a link to an online shop and a link to a rental service as a resource?<br> thank you</p>
  9. <p>Yes Robert I agree.<br /> when people started tinkering with this a few years back there were a lot of alarmist warnings about scratching negs oven cleaners and other esoteric toxic nonsense which literally scared users away.<br /> As you can see from the videos its no harder or extensive than clearing and fixing New55 NEW 55 film.<br /> this negative does not have an orange base as other color negatives so when scanning and printing for color<br /> in an usual range you must have a blank orange negative( no image) or an 85 b/c written and you may play with nd filters if you like or add a layer in photoshop if you are sufficiently skilled.</p> <p>CROSS PROCESSING <br /> without adding the orange base what you have is a very high end cross process tonal range of a 3x4 inch HD neg. compare at 10 dollars per shot if you were to cross process a 4x5 negative either way.</p> <p>Technical pan.<br /> It may surprise you to know that when scanned for use as black and white this negative can approximate technical pan in a big way but less harsh on the skin tones and having a higher iso.<br /> Im all for alternatives. New 55 New55 is a mid to low contrast very rich mid and dark tones panchromatic.<br /> and this other fp 100c option is a highest contrast obtainable when used as a black and white neg .</p> <p> </p>
  10. <p>The Bergheil was the top of the line Folder PRE LINHOF with interchangeable lenses bayonet mount rise fall swing. I have several of both in 4x5 and 3x4 Im hoping to get rid of I have been buying them for the lenses and could use the space. I would list them on the auction site but wary to0 spend too much time anaylyzing the condition of something over 100 years old ;) and could use the space.</p>
  11. <p> <br /> here are a few more tutorials<br /> <a dir="ltr" href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DYrurHRKxh9Q&h=YAQGF5vtk" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <p><a dir="ltr" href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DZrxlmYlwUio&h=uAQGiqkKi" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <p>I THINK THIS JUST GOT REALLY INTERESTING!!</p>
  12. <p>here is a very affordable black and white color lab source.<br> I refer to 4x5 because that is what is addressed in my post but can apply to other formats with a different cost</p> One of the worlds most prestigious photo labs. As lot of you guys love to develop your own film and which is great but a lot of you either don't or there will be job times when you need a really professional lab which is reasonably priced. RANDI Randy Mitchel Rosenthal ONE OF THE WORLDS BEST MASTER PRINTERS. Who printed for all of the best shooters including myself in South beach starting in the 1990's and has over 30 years experience has agreed to offer a great incentivizing service to sheet film shooters.<br />https://www.facebook.com/Darkroom-and-Digital-107012987441/… Formerly known as Darkroom productions which is the leading Miami boutique film development and printing shop has agreed to the following in support of the Littman 45 and the CAMERA AS ART PROJECT but also available to users of all 4x5 cameras. 10-20 sheets of 4x5 black and white or color film developed and contacted at 2.00 per shot. for other formats and sizes inquire directly.<br /> we do not have any financial incentive to make this posting other than as to facilitate and encourage the use of 4x5.<br /> This offer is exclusively for internet users not based in Miami.
  13. <p>No but if I did I would call it " New English" or Littman English haha.</p>
  14. <p>Those were really great responses. thank you. I think the tonal range is very appealing and the promise of a simplified process makes it attractive as well as an alternative to New 55 film for other uses or as a newly available panatomic x.</p>
  15. <p>Subject: IS EVERYONE EXCITED THAT POSITIVE/ NEGATIVE FILM IS BACK ?<br> http://www.new55.net/</p>
  16. <p>http://shop.new55.net/collections/frontpage/products/atomic-x-iso-100-4x5-panchromatic-sheet-film?variant=11659375619</p> <p><br />secondly the monobath process claims to offer black and white photography without a darkroom </p> <p>This subject seems related to PANATOMIC X which this new film claims to be similar to<br> http://www.photo.net/film-and-processing-forum/00CzLv</p>
  17. <p>And now for a little humor lol<br> type"exited" into the photo.net search box the results will show we are the first parade to hit main St in a long time lol. <br> Maybe that is why some say this sounds like buyagra or = buy aggravation </p>
  18. <p>Of course<br> lab justification disappeared and so did the labs lol<br> definition justification disappeared as necessity due to digital<br> And on tripod justification was the requirement for definition and that has also disappeared<br> What cannot disappear is the properties of projection of large format which are appealing to some<br> smaller formats cannot make these proportions appear as the lens too close to the plane.<br> And after this long the old audience moved on so disappeared in a way<br> But with all that said there is a need for it for artistic pursuit </p>
  19. <p>I would love to see more examples from those who have already tested it</p>
  20. <p>On the other hand the new film has a tonal range more similar to this other shot and a range I prefer more</p><div></div>
  21. <p>This picture I took with the old T55. the new one seems more saturated and richer tone with more blacks and that is something I can get exited about because I like plate photography look but hate the iso speed.</p><div></div>
  22. <p>someone's exited lol</p> <p>https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153455893633983&set=a.10151201759713983.466147.537008982&type=3&theater</p>
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