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Image Comments posted by didereaux

  1. There are certain factors that you must always take care to observe when shooting birds.  Most of the ones not to do are illustrated in this shot...so for that purpose, an illustration of these things it is ueseful.  The most glaring is the light is on the wrong side and the birds head and eye are in shadow.  The second is the background wbich is just blah and too much of it.  LAstly if you can avoid it stay away from 'bird on a stick' shots.  They generally lack any inherent interest.


    Take your time with birds and animals and wait for when the right lighting or movement takes place.  I'll bet at some point this bird turned its head the opposite direction and you would have had a better shot.  Also since there is nothing of interest in the background judicious cropping is called for.


    Hang in there, keep shooting, and keep waaaaiting for the moment!



    A beautiful shot on first glance.  The glitch in it I believe is that her left shoulder and arm seems to be detached, or from another shot.  That dark 'shading kills the shot when you look at it the second time.

  2. The bright area on the left (distracts greatly from subject), and some of the 'blank' area on the right (adds nothing to the picture) needs to be cropped out.  THEN this would be an excellent still life.



    ...cluttered.  There is a really good photo in there somewhere, just not from this viewpoint, or perspective.



    You said you intention was to make this photo 'eerie'.  It missed that mark.  There is far to much gray zones to be eerie, weird maybe, but not eerie.  Remember that eerie light comes from below.

  3. Excellent shot.  Everything spot on.  Two things though.  Their is no dynamics in these kinds of shots, they are static.  The second thing is the magenta water.  This is a real bugbear, but detracts greatly in these sorts of shots.  But as I said the execution is great.

  4. I rather like the concept.  But two things seem to detract from the  picture:

    First (probably a matter of personal taste), is that the girl has too much shadow.  The second one is the killer... look at the toe(s) on her right foot!  ;)

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