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Image Comments posted by didereaux



    Generally it is not a problem to crop a bit off a body part.  But in this instance cutting off the tail and then leaving a large open space in front doesn't work.

  1. A flash or not is not the problem.  It is WHITE BALANCE.  Need to either set that properly in the camera first, or do it in post.  Several methods.  film, use filters, digital filters or internal settings.

    pink(view larger)


    Looking at the large view this is well done.  I like the comp.  My only critique would be that the sunflower SHOULD have been much brighter.  Maybe not so much as to overpower the pink flower, but enough not to have been distractingly dark.

  2. More great IR from HN.  BUT this one looks tilted downward to the right.  Makes the picture unbalanced.  Notice the line at the end of the bridge path, and the abutments on the front.  Both give a decided lean.

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