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Image Comments posted by didereaux



    Marvin you have done better.  ;)

    Trite subject, but what kills it is the background.  If it had been composed such that the flinging hair and water was against a simpler background it probably would have worked...with a tighter cropping.

  1. Here's the bluish cast again that seems to be so popular lately.  In a word it sucks in shots like these.  People are not bluish tinged unless dead.  But more specific to of the drum bodies. this photo by cooling it down you lose all the vibrancy of those (got to be vibrant) colors.

    Otherwise this is a great shot with good framing and super subjects.


  2. Marvin, I took a look at your gallery.  Honestly can you say this shot belongs amongst the?  there are some really good shots in there.   ...and calling someone stupid because they gave an honest critique that you didn't like  will get you nowhere, it will get you fewer critiques though, and that will impair your learning considerably.



    I critiqued the first one which was in color and mused that it might be a better BW.   I was RIGHT!  Don't happen often enough though.  ;)

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    first glance good, second glance not so much and here's why.

    "AJ Bart Jon, thanks for your comments. You have a number of great shots in your Water folder!!! The filter that I used here is called a flood filter by Flaming Pear. It is an add on for Photoshop. AJ"

    That effect stood out like a sore thumb to an old PS'er.  Notice that the curvature of the seed head is NOT accurately portrayed in the reflection.  given the other qualities of this shot though my advice would be to stick to your camera, and use PS sparingly, and cheap, old filters, presets, and actions,  never.

  3. A ,ost unappetizing shot!  fortunately it very flat, lacking color and saturation.  Whish actually might be a positive thing because if it were improved it might actually cause some to lose their cookies, only adding more to the bucket.

    However, from a compositional point it is quite good.  You just need to change the places you hang out at.  ;)

  4. I'll get to the kudos later.  My first look caused me to immediately think the following ( Iam telling this true):  My gawd what kind of sick b*st*rd would take a picture of an amputated foot?  the thought passed in  millisecond.


    This is a really, really good picture from the photo itself, to the photoshopping.  Great concept, and great execution.  Told you I'd get to the kudos.  ;)



    cute subject(s), excellent lighting, colorful, movememt, unbelievable expression(s)...you even got catchlights in the lead dancers eyes!  That pic is so good it is almost disgusting.  Shame on you! lol

  5. In all honesty this is jsut bad by any method of evaluation.  first off is that gawdawful 'shadowing of the picture.  Second is the figures contrast co;or style doesn't match the background....etc etc etc.  ow I am wondering why I bothered to write this.  But maybe you are new, and it is best to break bad habits early...especially in photography.

    Suggestion: concentrate on your camera work and forget the silly photoshopping.

  6. There's a reason that most tales of horror begin in the twilight, especially vampire tales.  The blue light of twilight makes the skin look corpse like.  I am not a fan of such, but that is just me, others will differ.

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