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marco mugnatto

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Image Comments posted by marco mugnatto

  1. I think there are lots of better photos on Paulo's portfolio. Yes, Pele's expression is strong, although he is a lovely person. If you know him you will look at this expression as the expression of a winner, not of anger. Yes that's a positive side of the photo, but still not a POW in my opinion.
  2. I think this is a mediocre photo. The frame is not well filled. The objects are on the corners leaving the center and top-left somewhat dull, and there's this strange ghost that looks like flaws on the wall painting. The thing on the top-right is distracting and one can't tell what it is. Just a poor snapshot of a hotel room.


    The dark part on the botton is not doing too much here. I think it would be better if you cut it and put more of the bodies against the sky instead of the sea.
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