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marco mugnatto

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Image Comments posted by marco mugnatto


    The tail is really missing and I would preffer this plane on the ground with a good background or composition than on the air with a dull sky. The plane itself is an interesting subject.
  1. hahahaha! Funny too see people asking if it's real, and people trying to explain too. I'm sure it's real! And probably there's NOT even a bit of manipulation here. The reason it looks unreal is not because it's raining. It's not because it's a digital camera too. The reason it looks unreal is because it's a long exposure. I love long exposures... I can say it's even not difficult to do. Almost any place you take a picture in such long exposures will look unreal. The sky is easily blurred simply because the clouds move during the exposure.
  2. What's this thing in front of the boat? if it's part of the boat, then don't cut it. If it's not part of the boat, then avoid it because it's distracting. Put the boat more to the left, leaving room on the front of it, not the back. Sky is dull so crop it. The trees are a bad background for the boat that make it even more difficult to see the interesting details of the boat. A plain background would be better. Needs more contrast too.

    Paved Cat

    At first I was thinking it was a hole on the ground which are very common here on brazilian roads. Really hard to tell it's a cat. Anyway I don't think it's pleasant to look at.
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