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Image Comments posted by russelljthomas

  1. Great composition, this is a fine example of many of the rules of composition - rule of thirds, grouping in three, monochrome colour, use of reflection, comparison of shapes...



    Very interesting image...  Showing only her legs, with the feet crossed over makes me I wonder what is going on above the top of the frame.

  2. Nice image.  It is busy, but you have brought the elements together well... The model's tattoos are similar to the shoes, the shoes have the same colour as the floor, the floor has the same grain and a colour as the chair.  The model's hair goes with the background, and the curves on the background match the curves of the chair and the curves the model has produced with her pose.  And of course, yellow and magenta compliment one another so well.  There is so much going on here that it could have gotten messy, but there has obviously been so much thought put into commonality between all the elements of the image that it just comes together so well.  Great shot, simply fantastic! 7/7.

    Left Hook


    Great shot - well captured.  I like the contrast in the main image, and the use of vignette to create a "tunnel vision" kind of feel, makes me feel like I'm in the fight!  Well done in telling a story with a single image.

  3. This is a nice shot, the shape your model has created with her body is pleasing, and the fact that you have left more to the imagination than displaying makes this a more interesting image in my Opinion.  the only improvements I can see are that I think actually seeing one eye from the model looking at the camera would add to the feel that some things are shown and some things are hidden (this is really just an opinion - others may and probably will disagree).  However, I definitely would like to see the contrast bumped up - I feel that the models skin tone and the background kind of blend together, I think a different coloured background and some more contrast would make the image pop.

    s t o r m


    I love the composition here, I'm just not sure about the colour tone used - I think you've got such a strong composition that the colour cast detracts from the impact of the image, I'd rather see it correctly white balanced or maybe with a washed out colour cast to go with the oceananic theme.



    I'd like to see this cropped differently - the tilted horizon adds a sense of uneasiness, which I don't think suits the story being told here.  Also, maybe a little more light on the face of your main subject.



    Nice street capture - I like the graphic elements created by the cobble stone street, and the symmetry with the yellow car and building in the foreground and the yellow building in the far background.  Nice shot.

    Happy As A Bunny!


    Nice image - I like the dogs expression, and he really stands out against the background.  The composition is good, he has plenty of room to move in this photo.  Great work!

  4. great image - the dancer is  a strong  and powerful composition in her own right, but it is a simple and clvver waay youve presented the shadows that really makes it  pop.  well  done.

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