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Everything posted by jlg

  1. jlg

    complexity DSC00021aw

    This definitively needs to be viewed large. I'm not too keen on the slight lack of elegance of the yellow stems and behind stems leaf, but the rest of the flower looks wonderful. You have better shots IMHO.
  2. On seeing the thumbnail I thought the branch and background didn't fit very well, but on seeing large they work wonderfully. I like the shadows on trees and colours of the sky.
  3. jlg


    Very effective view of a beautiful night. The 16:9 format works very well.
  4. jlg

    Daddy - 6

    Very effective lighting, B/W and timing. Their pose and look are priceless.
  5. Seems to be a beautiful church in a pleasant environment. A pity the banner, though, makes the "natural" scene a bit human and perhaps artificial, but doesn't spoil the image for me.
  6. jlg


    Very beautiful abstract. Your capture of the shadows was well seen and executed.
  7. jlg


    It's a beautiful image, in green and subject and your narrow DOF works very well. Odd right hand placement works very well too.
  8. jlg

    Seawall Vancouver

    It's an interesting scene full of charm on either sides (street and sea/skyline), but right hand of the seascape (past the poles) seems to compete with the street scene. I like the left hand, though and there it fits very well.
  9. jlg


    It's a good image, well composed and with attractive colours and subject that looks cropped too tight on top.
  10. jlg


    I like the poetics of the image and effectiveness of colours shapes and reflections that must be viewed large :)
  11. jlg


    I like the contrast between her veil and the ad, but dislike the blur and coarseness on the left side (or digital alteration, whatever it is).
  12. jlg

    Texas - 118

    Quite charming :) Works very well.
  13. Interesting view of the river.
  14. jlg


    I think you didn't need to highlight the cone in red. It stands out well on its own. The view of the street is interesting, although I' not convinced by the two people on the street (their position mostly).
  15. jlg

    Logan creek

    The composition is excellent and you have a pleasant view to begin with. I like your choice of exposition too. However, I think the low aperture doesn't work and would have preferred and unstarred moon that looked more like... the moon :) Here one may be mistaken to think it's the sun and needs your title to know. BTW the 5D is wonderful at low noise. One doesn't notice ISO was so high.
  16. jlg

    My night

    You have a beautiful sunset full of colours and with appropriate clouds. I would have focused only on this sunset and avoided the tree which overlaps with the sunset and makes it compete as a subject. If the tree was wanted I would have placed it at a corner if possible, making a composition between the landscape and it.
  17. jlg

    Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

    Excellent. I wonder what the purple flowers are :)
  18. jlg


    Very beautiful and pleasant view. Perfect for me except for the rays coming out of the sun which don't seem to fit the image for me. Since a high aperture would probably be not possible because of scarce depth-of-field I would have waited until the sun was down enough to be seen bright but not cover the rocks.
  19. Peaceful view and the B/W works well but I find the men on the corner don't add to the image and would have waited for the scene to be pure nature and fence :)
  20. jlg

    Blackpool beach

    It's a beautiful view, Paul, the perspective being very effective and the beach and sea very pleasing with the sunset, but I don't like the rays of sun coming out of it and wonder if it would have been possible to wait until the sun was a bit covered by a cloud.
  21. jlg


    It's a beautiful view in its green plainness :) The whole image seems to have a bit of blur though, which is strange since it seems to be shot with enough light.
  22. jlg


    Bjorn, Since the focus is on the girl's back and tattoo, and the background doesn't seem to contribute much I would have chosen a high aperture to blur it.
  23. jlg

    The Links

    Another beautiful shot. It has a strange, kind of pixelated look though, don't know how it ended up like this.
  24. jlg

    Saturday In The Park

    I very much like your choice of red and wonder how you got it.
  25. jlg

    North Park

    You have interesting infrared shots. This one in particular is very beautiful.
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