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Everything posted by tom_r

  1. Softly painted and tried to get the wildflowers to pop a bit more.
  2. There are no rules as to how you apply your post processing to this image; but, please let us know what you have done so we can all learn. If you would like to post a candidate image next week, please ensure it is of sufficiently high resolution for manipulation by the participants (3000px on the long side, 300dpi for example). Most of all, let's have fun while we are learning or demonstrating how we use our post-processing software, imaginations and interpretations. SOOC Yellowstone.
  3. This version went through some cloning, painting, sketching, grain addition, hue adjustments, sharpening and combination with an earlier version. Glenn, thank you for uploading.
  4. Apologies to all! If you know anything about biorhythms (psuedo-science tracking of one's emotional, physical and intellectual states), based on mine for yesterday (representative photo included) I should not have gotten out of bed, much less posted on a public forum. And yes, I volunteer to post the next challenge if you will still let me. Tom
  5. Is it just me? I feel we literally have hit the bottom of the barrel with the challenges.
  6. Can't have too many blue versions. :) Not sure how I ended up with this, but I like it.
  7. Red sails in the sunset Way out on the sea Oh, carry my loved one Home safely to me I've been playing my mom's old piano sheet music, so this version came to mind. Unfortunately, with my layers the sailors appear to return only in memory. Alas.
  8. This version sailed through SNS-HDR and a couple of painting programs, followed by some of the basic adjustments in ACR.
  9. Attempt at a miniature effect with DXO. For me these wee things are always hit-or-miss, usually miss. :)
  10. Cropped, new sky, b/w conversion, ACR basic adjustments, Topaz Detail and added grain.
  11. Hey, Michael. I unexpectedly found a version of this challenge hiding out in my Windows Network Shortcuts??!!! No idea how it got there, but it's a sign that it wanted itself posted since it hung around this long. This one even keeps the bench.
  12. Ok, this one is an homage fountain isolation a la Dieter Schaefer, but carried to a questionable end b/w experiment I call "Bizarre Abstract." Make no mistake, I consider Dieter's version fine art. My version is just a crazy experiment.
  13. There are no rules as to how you apply your post processing to this image; but, please let us know what you have done so we can all learn. If you would like to post a candidate image next week, please ensure it is of sufficiently high resolution for manipulation by the participants (3000px on the long side, 300dpi for example). Most of all, let's have fun while we are learning or demonstrating how we use our post-processing software, imaginations and interpretations.
  14. Using the full DXO Photolab 4 allows you to make adjustments to the Deep Prime process before applying and exporting, unlike DXO PureRaw though, no?
  15. What a great image! I tried to enhance and not over-process, but I'm not sure I succeeded. Dang, Punta Colorada--once again you justify your nickname with an awesome photo.
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