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Everything posted by donbright

  1. STRESS! In the tide pools! And the ease of use with the XT-1.
  2. Just received the 23mm f2, so I zigged verses zagged form my earlier remarks. The focal length is most useful and this lens is a sharp as anything I've seen. The aperture ring detents are fine and I'm pleased that they are in 3rd stop increments. I'm still on the fence over the 90mm and 60mm. What's throwing me around is the new 50mm f2 to be released at the end of this month. The 50mm f2 is equivalent to 76mm and is touted as a highly corrected lens utilizing an aspheric apochromatic element. While the 76mm equivalent doesn't have the reach I'm looking for as I have the 18-55 2.8-4 zoom. You've got to admit the price of the 50mm and its highly anticipated performance characteristic is a curiosity.
  3. donbright


    On this stretch of coastline at Crystal Cove, there are these discs made of rock that are in a certain area and about 12 of them. ???
  4. I'm doing fine with my F3 and FM3a and the problem is that when one commits to a modern camera, you commit to its lenses also. The syndrome stars all over again, another lens another lens for the present. The notion of a F7 has its merits, but only if one has extensive disposable income. How much would an F7 cost? Probably 2.5 Gs, I don't know, but there are some sweet lenses out there for that money. I'm new to the digital workflow experience and I need to eat some crow here, as I've been trying to wrap around the comments by many that say they need a film camera to stay in touch with a genuine Photographic experience. The mystery behind the missing monitored image has its appeal, but I'm wondering how necessary it is. Perhaps I'm lucky that the many years honing vision in a camera with film in it brings a comfort zone and the ability to adapt.
  5. Wow I had forgot about this thread and just went through it 3 years later to be reminded over the emotion in it, including mine. Anyway, the FM3a is a great camera. To those that don't know, although the FM3a wasn't Nikons last film camera it was the last camera that evoked emotion within the Nikon Company among its engineers with the knowledge that the digital revolution was a writing on the wall, they devoted themselves in the creation of the FM3a with a purpose to develop a precision devise of engineering for the ages. It was at the time of the FM3a's development, the personnel in charge of molding the Brass top and bottom covers, had to step aside and bring in the old timers to get it right. Apparently, bending brass at the thickness required for the top cover required a certain technique to avoid tearing and cracking the Brass. These men were in and out of retirement for that purpose. Love the FM3a for its no nonsense function and appeal, size, weight and feel, unobtrusive and ease of use. Also the knowing the effort that went into the design and making of this camera. Creating a mechanical shutter that could also be used fully automatic took some doing according to the engineers. Its all good stuff.
  6. Out on the beach with my XT-1 catching sunsets at Scotchman's cove.
  7. It might be prudent to try a little Wine with this stuff after all this stuff! http://www.lifeinnorway.net/2012/03/the-norwegian-phenomenon-of-brown-cheese/
  8. The moved cheese analogy is applicable to the new format. I presume combing out the glitches will take some time as long as the glitch fixers are willing to lean into it on a consistent basis. Regardless, I'm impressed with the volume of images pouring into this site and the quality of images says it all as to P.Nets reverence to its users and viewers.
  9. donbright


    Ever changing compositions from tide to tide.
  10. Yes, This is ann issue I had wrestled with before going Fuji. I don't like it, but it is what it is, there are too many other fine issues and features to over shadow. More expensive, in my case now adding a new lens to the arsenal and are forced to buy another lens adapter for the Lee Seven5 filter system. Now required is one 58mm lens adapter and one 43mm. If I go with another, it will be another size. Odd, but I wonder if this is Fuji's way to build lenses without compromises? Surely its not a way to help out Lee filters.
  11. Interesting that as Photo.net has been around a while and has attracted a significant set of sophisticates in Photography, that it seems as if it is in a embryonic stage that should have been a long gone memory. Changing the format is not such a bad thing and I think the majority of users here would agree with that. The glitches have been many when considering the first attempt then aborted. The recent glitches I've experienced have been remedied very swiftly. At this juncture I'm not experiencing any posting glitches or image downloading issues other that there are times when there seems to be loading periods that can get stuck, but then they clear up, or when backed out of it then re-sets itself. What I am enjoying is that the images look better! That has always been a concern of mine is the awful compression result of the older version. While it seems that there's still room for improvement, the images look better and that to me is a starting point for a site like this. As for navigating forums and the template that exists to maneuver throughout P.Net, I'm thinking that theres a lot of thinking going into this. Unfortunately for the powers that be here, there are a hundred geniuses that err towards embitterment. It reminds me of Home owner association meetings where everybody vents and nothing gets done. At this point, again I applaud the efforts in the attempt to present P.Net in a more desirable way. There's more work to be done and as the issues get whittled down its a matter of knocking down the warts one at a time. I'm staying patient and hopeful.
  12. I don't see the point of the thread as I don't see the point of the need, or presumption that it has to be one or the other. I use a Fuji XT-1 and I am enjoying the experience immensely, but I would not deem it prudent to let my full frame camera's go. My advice would be to take a breath and keep your full frame camera's.
  13. My simple experience of using Medium Format and 35mm film cameras for some 33 years and now with the introduction of a D-Cam XT-1 APS-C, is simply where I was operating at F11 to squeeze DOF for landscape work, I now use F8 with the same success with the XT-1. I have yet to include fast lenses that Fuji offers to express the appearance of so called Bokeh, but it seems I'm not hell bent on Bokeh anyway, although Fuji's 56mm 1.2 and their 1.4 lenses fill the bill, I'm looking at their new F2 equivalents, the 23mm F2 and the awaited 50mm F2. I've seen examples of what the 23mm F2 can do regarding the isolation of a subject, IE, Bokeh and it does well also.
  14. donbright


    Chris Thanks, The irony is, that this image took time to compose, maybe 5-10 minutes to get it right. Lots of obstacles!
  15. donbright


    Trentepholia a natural algae that grows in this area of Point Lobos where the air is devoid of air pollutants, does not hurt the trees or are in any way a parasite thought by some.
  16. donbright


    Finding their way to the light.
  17. donbright


    A foggy day with the Birds.
  18. At the same time that this happened, the P.Net Icon on my favorites folder on my computer changed its appearance to an updated version I presume, which may be info for the IT specialist in this case.
  19. Just lost my Portfolio and access to all P.Net Photos and categories, whats up?
  20. No access to my Photos or access to any member Photos. My account still exists showing my 5 years as a member and pertinent info, but no Portfolio! Whats up?
  21. donbright


    Seeking the warm rays of the sun at the end of the their day.
  22. It seems that if the camera doesn't have the highest in MP your not interested. Get the highest MP camera then, problem solved!
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