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Everything posted by donbright

  1. After the new P. NET site update a few months ago, there was a natural period of debugging the site and we made contributions to whatever experience we had and much of the issues were dealt with. I haven't been around in a few weeks and poking around today and uploading an image, I noted that form hour to hour here, going from one page to the next, loading is very slow and cumbersome sometimes freezing up. So I'm sounding off to report this issue as I hope this isn't a new normal.
  2. donbright


    Finding one image that depicts Point Lobos, I have determined is impossible! So I keep shooting.
  3. PREVIEW PIC. EFFECT is the mode that gives you, WYSIWYG. What you see is what you get. It's the sauce in mirrorless digital photography. If you disarm it you would be relying upon the sole mode of RAW shooting, using RAW files as a priority. I use RAW-FINE mode to get back ups, but I also take advantage of Fuji's success in the option of developing stunning jpegs. Sometimes Fuji jpegs are as good or better, or enough, but by setting RAW-FINE you can edit in camera. Its a great feature.
  4. Go to your menu screen to: SCREEN SET UP. Go to: PREVIEW EXOSURE./WB IN MANUAL MODE EXP/WB. Set to: PREVIEW EXP./WB Also go to: PREVIEW PIC. EFFECT. Set to ON. This should do the trick. I also recommend you get the latest firmware updates unless you already have.
  5. Allen, I don't buy into the full frame hype, I agree. I should have prefaced my point as to how this has become a topic and many have bought into it so much so it has become their reality. I am perfectly happy with my Fuji XT-2, its performance and if I need monster poster prints, and I'm finding more and more not, my medium format kit still at work. Seems to me that Sony has done well at providing an answer to those who want to resurrect their vintage glass which is fine. The new glass is beautiful too.
  6. Unless I'm not interpreting this right, I don't see Fujinon lenses grouped in association with Canon, Nikon, Pentax as second rate lens makers. In fact it is my experience that the best Fujinon lenses are the best of the best. Where this gets confusing is that Fuji, had they entered the full frame realm, there would be a more clear, or easier perception of how to make decisions on lens choice. I agree with Ed that its surely obvious that lens makers in mirrorless have been pulling out all the stops, no pun intended, to provide the best of imagery in this category.
  7. Anyone not updating firmware for Fuji camera's should. Fuji updates are very worthy and sensible and have welcome new features.
  8. I see your point regarding the XT-1 and the deal. Other than more MP or the ability to print larger, you would be hard pressed to see the difference in IQ between the two camera's. The XT-1as you know has taken the Photo world by storm as a camera that definitely punches above its weight in many ways. but to be clear no camera does it all. The XT-1 is the go to camera that I've used to go anywhere. I think it even won a 1st place best travel camera somewhere, no doubt. If your not familiar with Fuji yet, and contemplating a move and it sounds like your serious as I was, the XT-1 would be a great way to get into the Fuji method and to explore the flexibility of this camera and its systems. The X Camera's shoot Raw+ jpeg and the X camera's redefines the jpeg, in my view, if you want to generate a perfect jpeg, you have the option to do that with Fuji, then of course Raw files are there for you. Those of us that got used to and automatically went with Raw files and I'm one of them, sneered at jpegs until I saw one from the XT-1. In a word, its a shock, an awesome shock, well maybe some drama there but you get my point. The jpegs from the Xt-1 I found more than just guides to a Raw file. Many of them became finalists, they're that good! Also to remember in all of this, its the Fujinon lenses that are making the difference, these lenses are impeccable, so as for differences in IQ between Fuji camera's using the same Fuji glass, the punch is in the glass. Excellent glass projecting excellent light onto the sensor plane.
  9. I think the decision becomes easier when one gets comfortable with how the images look from a camera they don't know. The not knowing is the problem. In the case of mirrorless and in my case with Fuji, I'm blown away at the image quality from this camera. I just received the XT-2 and will sell the XT-1. I have a high level of confidence in this system. Although there are some obvious variances in my case. The experience of carrying Medium format equipment in the field, to mirrorless is so stark its unbelievable. At the end of the day with the XT-1, I still had enough left to continue shooting. Surely this seems redundant, but I'm a believer in the beauty of redundancy. There's always something to learn from it.
  10. Congrats! There something for everybody within the Fuji system. A redefining of the Photographic experience is the point, but there are die hards that refuse to see. Not their fault. Collateral damage victims of a rapidly advancing technology.
  11. If autofocus is your goal, the XT-2 knocks it out, and the money difference is more than one feature in the XT-2. Yes the autofocus in the XT-2 is best of Fuji, weatherproofing, video, on and on. Also, the 23mm equal to 35mm in full frame is great for street Photography but so is 18mm. At least there are options with an interchangeable lens camera. In my view, when making a move like this with a Camera brand like Fuji, its a commitment, the lenses themselves urge commitment as they are the best out there. I don't blame you for the commiseration, the X100F makes it tough, but its priced in such a way I think the few hundred more for a camera like the XT-2 ends the tug.
  12. I have an LX-5 as a point and shoot. A very fun camera, talk about a camera that punches above its weight? Love how small and compact this camera is and how many control features for a compact camera. The IQ is good too.
  13. Seems like our enthusiasm for our, either hobby or profession, is a mismatch for the realities of camera producing companies. From time to time I hear of the struggle throughout other firms like Nikon and Canon. Yet there are so many issues surrounding these difficulties that are misunderstood. I know I'm confused!
  14. donbright


    Done very well, seen very well. I like it.
  15. donbright


    A job for Velvia!
  16. I had thought you might have sent a subjective message with the Nikkor, Zeiss comparative, as I ponder the use of the A7ii. I'm aware that image resolution in this case Zeiss over Nikkor is a distinct reality. I have reviewed Nikkor lens images online through the A7ii and from what I've seen, it looks very good. Good enough to justify a A7ii over a Nikon DSLR? Is my looming question. I'm pumping this for all its worth. My sense and instinct is that to revive my legacy lenses, I won't be disappointed with the move to the A7ii. There's no argument to me that my old lenses won't show as well as the newer technology. But from what I've seen so far, the ever so slight softer look is part of the character to an image that is quite useful. I could just stick with film and be done with the whole notion, but of course the digital workflow has its merits, to say the least.
  17. The Zeiss image is worlds away from the Nikkor. One of the most obvious comparisons I've seen.
  18. Sanford, Having looked at you works again it has sunk in that you have an affinity for the Monterey Peninsula as I do. Although its not my home, yet! It is a home away from home. Lovely work you have, and a lot of it! Actually I'll be up in April on the 16th.
  19. Ed, Thanks for the info. The path to reviving my Nikkor AIS lenses has become clearer since looking into the Sony A7ii. So why the angst? I've been going back and forth as to whether or not sink more money into my Fuji X- system. Another Fuji body? XT-2? Or go full frame with the A7ii with my ready lenses. Obviously its the confidence factor in the A7ii. You don't know what you don't know I guess. I should bring a couple of lenses to a shop and try out a demo A7ii and see for myself I guess.
  20. Ed Thanks, That all seems good and good enough to bring back my Nikkor AIS lenses. By the way, 20mm 3.5, 24mm 2, 55mm micro 2.8, 85mm 1.4, 105mm 2.5, 180mm 2.8 ED, 400mm 3.5. The 24mm f2 probably the weakest in the bunch, the 2.8 better of the two, but I don't have it.
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