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Image Comments posted by brother_soulnier

  1. John, you put to much thought into a simple semi nude, then you convey a message and reason for why you did it this way.
    If a photograph needs explanation, it no longer is a photograph, but becomes an illustration for example, would you be happier with that title for this image?

    Take Off-ering


    a photographer will be remembered and valued for creating powerful subject interest, and doing it without using photoshop tricks and crazy edits, will be their best work...
    As many people, and myself included, will look at this and say, what are all the white dots for?



    I thought the same thing about this image, her eyes capture by the camera, are more peaceful and angelic looking. Great Mona Lisa feel to her expression, unreadable.


  2. what a great location for some night or dusk shots. Here I'll give you a little set-up, a pale hand reaching through that opening in the wall, and grabbing for someones leg standing there. woman's leg with black nylons and heels, fog for added mood, you can buy it in the can now.


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