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PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by MarieH

  1. MarieH

    Broken II

    Interesting and cool image, congrats!
  2. MarieH

    The locksmith

    Very nice Maurizio!
  3. MarieH

    Deep Lake in Winter

    so lonesome I could cry :)
  4. I just visited the 1x site, its fast and efficient and looks super professional....might want to have a gander at what they are doing? Just a thought.
  5. The old was better...yes it was. I am sorry PN. As simple as the site was, it was a boon to the newer fancier sites that have sprung up. I really miss the old site. It was better because it was simpler and different from the modern hoopla of internet design. This is my final comment on it. I guess now I will put up and shut up. RIP my old friend.
  6. I wish there was a rating system in place because as it is there are few or no comments on many of the new uploads. Much less traffic on mine anyway. As much as I disliked the old ratings system, I found I got more comments and interest on those I did ask for a rating and critique. I also miss top photos of 24 hours. I think the new look is ok, but its very slow. slow. slow. Compared to lets say 1x. But of course 1x. costs an arm and a leg to keep up.
  7. MarieH


    Nice image. Great moment!
  8. MarieH


    Getting bolder with the people, I think its time to find a more discreet mirrorless maybe. I see someone spying you at the back. :)
  9. MarieH

    SMILE !

    lol. I think I know him!
  10. MarieH

    Deep Lake Outlet

    Looks lonely, spring on the way! Yay!
  11. MarieH

    A doll in a street

    Love it. Very nice and sharp B&w! Great scene too.
  12. I gave it a chance because it LOOKED pretty but today I am disappointed with the look and function of the new site. I am beginning to regret my subscription as I may not be on here much anymore, Grateful for flickr! Can we have the option of going back to the old interface? AS WELL my account is marieh but posts as mhc?
  13. You can choose a pic, click on it to see the options, make top cover, but you can't resize to fit oddly.
  14. I miss seeing the photostream of those I follow. I think the rating system should be re-thunk and brought back in a better more neutral and more fair way. I am glad it is gone in the form that it used to be. I am sure there is a way to make it more useful and less reliant on popularity (the social butterflies ranking higher than the seldom posters). It was fun to go to the gallery and see the highest ranked photos in the past 24 hours, 3 days, 3 months etc... I do like that you can post larger image sizes but I find the site really slow and its not my connection as other sites are fast enough. Its pretty enough. Thanks.
  15. MarieH

    Cordial friends

    Super shot Mehmet! I hope they see it!
  16. MarieH


    Seems to e imprisoned, maybe emotionally or physically. It makes me think of institutionalization and mental health. Sitting and waiting for an answer to some deep psychological problem. It reminds me of when I trained in a psychiatric facility. Its just missing the inevitable cigarette in his hand.
  17. I have the same problem. Put in Canada, still says US
  18. My User name is MarieH, but It shows MHC...and I am not amused!
  19. MarieH

    Snowy Day

    This new look took some figuring out, but glad I found you. Goodluck.!! Really great photo.
  20. MarieH


    I like it because it reminds me of a print from an old newspaper story. "Stolen car recovered after accident with police cruiser." Lol
  21. MarieH


    Nice high contrast, painterly image on NY. Might look nice in large print on a wall.
  22. MarieH


    Your on to something with this one. I would have given him a moment to relax because he seems to be in the process of settling himself. I think you might of jumped the gun a little but it makes for a good shot.
  23. Unique. I think its great surrealism, and minimalist with a nice punchline. No interpretation needed.
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