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Everything posted by AlanKlein

  1. Few believe what they read and see today. AI will just make it worse. How can you run a society when no one trusts anything from anyone else? Everything's distorted. Photographer's use of AI and cloning etc just adds to the confusion. We're just as guilty of this maybe more so because it's our products and creations. We've been mesmerized by technology using it in unethical ways that deceives the public. That's what makes a photo competition from world press organizations that encourages it so disturbing.
  2. The better publications will have standards that will include firing photographers who don't abide by their standards. But I agree with you in general that photos like written text are going to be fast and loose with the truth. The bigger issue than playing with the image editing, is that the text that goes with it is bogus. "Honest" pictures are selected to support untruths in the articles.
  3. This organization is world press, a documentary photo organization. How they can approve AI used for documentary is beyond belief. This isn;t for a fine art organization even. I don't know if editors in newspapers like the NY Times have new rules for Ai yet, but I think they will. They already forbid photos from being cloned, items added and removed. They only allow "standard" exposure type adjustments and crops. Many editors will fire photographers who play games with this stuff.
  4. Me and my co-pilot. He's the one with the blue jacket.
  5. That's good to know. I was scanning on a V600 and now a V850, both with ICE although often I won't use it and just correct in post with Lightroom. ICE doubles the scan time.
  6. Is ICE in the Epsonscan software for their Epson scanners the same ICE from NIkon or the same software manufacturer?
  7. I played with it a little just to see what it would look like darker.
  8. Mystical Horse in Storm
  9. I agree Allen that ergonomics is the worse part of cellphone photography. May I add to your list that in bright sun, you can't see the screen. You kind of hold the camera up and aim it in the genral direction of the subject and hope you get the shot or video. However, I was stuck once without a camera other than my cellphone. I was able to capture my men's club tour of a fireman's training complex. And this was all taken with a 5-6 year old cellphone.
  10. I had an Ektagraphic with the random selection module where you can select whatever slide you wanted to show. When I moved to NJ ten years ago, it wasn't working. The zoom is handy though unless you calculate the exact lens your need for the room you intend to set up the camera as distance from projector to screen is critical when picking the lens's focal length. There are charts available on line that you can search for.
  11. Why buy a digital projector? Just dump the scanned digital photos onto a memory card and plug it into your smart TV USB jack and play it on your 4K TV. I do that with mine and see a 75" picture. You can also do that with your videos.
  12. I'd appreciate if you didn't shorten my post when quoting it and take only a portion out of context. Below is the full post. If someone or a few people look like they could use another party to take their picture, I may ask. The worse they could say in no. Being polite and helpful has nothing to do with my age or theirs. Most are happy for the offer and take me up on it because they realize I could probably take a better picture than their selfie.
  13. Show your scanned slides or negative color film shots on a 4K TV for a similar glowing effect.
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