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Everything posted by randrew1

  1. <p>I shoot many volunteer pictures at church. The rules have changed considerably over the years. Photos during a worship service used to be prohibited except for the Christmas pageant. Today I shoot many baptisms and sometimes during communion. The only rules are to stay unobtrusive and don't use flash. </p> <p>I would not take pictures during a funeral. I like the Jewish tradition of putting veils on mirrors during shiva. I extend that tradition to photographs. </p> <p>20 years ago I visited the Sports Illustrated photography offices while they were editing the photos for the next week's issue. One of their feature articles was covering a small high school in Indiana that went deep into the state basketball tournament the year before they divided into separate classes. (Think 1954 Milan team that was immortalized in "Hoosiers"). They lost a heartbreaker. The photographer had access to the locker room but didn't feel he could intrude on their emotional reactions. The photo editor was upset. He wanted evocative photos for the article. Who was right? I lean towards the photographer, but I can see both sides. </p>
  2. <p>I have not sent E-6 film to Dwayne's Photo, but they always did a good job with Kodachrome. They will probably be the last E-6 processor in the nation (world?). They would be my choice. </p>
  3. <p>This was a 5-shot panorama where each shot was an HDR combination of a 3-shot exposure series. </p> <p><img src="https://photos.smugmug.com/Free-Screen-Saver-Photos/Waterfalls/i-hQsFMrD/0/M/20140103_High%20Falls_0001_2_3_tonemappedPana-M.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p>The moon on a wide angle panorama is just a spec. The crescent was barely visible. The moon here is about fourl times larger that the original. </p> <p>The waterfall was generating enough spray that the waterfall was almost completely obscured. I took a shot of the falls from another night and pasted it with about 50% transparency so that the waterfall is now visible, but the spray is still apparent. </p>
  4. <p>There was no sunset in the original picture. </p> <p><img src="https://photos.smugmug.com/Free-Screen-Saver-Photos/Landscapes/i-fg24TVM/0/M/070816DSC_0059pshpSS-M.jpg" alt="" /><br> A colleague saw the original and told me that he had been to this beach when the sun was showing through the hole in the ridge. Years later I remembered the comment and found a sunset shot that I could combine with the original. </p>
  5. <p>Thanks for the suggestions.Among the links there were a couple photos of the section of the canal and the time frame I'm interested in, but they are tiny. I'm looking for illustrations for a coffee table book. If the photos I'm looking for actually exist, they are probably in a private album or in a shoebox. I will try the library again. I also need to find a way to get the word to local people. </p>
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