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Posts posted by jonathan_montague

  1. <p>i recently purchased an older Flextight PHOTO scanner model. along with a RATOC FR1SX SCSI to firewire converter and the neccessary adapters. Ive just been onto the RATOC website and they are not listing this model as being supported by the converter using OS 10.6. Im using 10.5.8 on my imac but now im really worried that this just isnt going to work and ive wasted a lot of cash on unneccesary cables when i should have been buying an older mac with a SCSI card. unfortunately I still need to get a power supply for the converter before I can be sure. does anyone have this kind of set up with this scanner ? please tell me so!<br /> ive been onto this guys blog http://www.godmanblog.com/?p=476 which is mega helpful but he's using a newer model of scanner. i hope i can get this to work it cost me a small fortune.</p>
  2. <p>there will always be some gamut warnings. a printers colour space is much smaller than the Adobe RGB colourspace. the only way to really know if what you see on your screen is close to what your printer will produce is to get test prints made and compare them to on screen. and you have to consider what lighting you are using in your workspace. if you are viewing under tungsten and the pictures are going to be seen under natural light then there's no point matching the print to your screen as you may produce a print that is not great under natural light. decide what lighting your pictures will be viewed under and work back from there.</p>
  3. <p>Home dev is really only worth it for B&W work where control of development and therefore results can be tailored to your preferences. It is very enjoyable as well. You will never be as consistant with C-41 as a well run lab will be. ts not that hard and i have seen nice results but as stated the cost of chemicals for such small numbers makes it hard to justify. as for E6 - def send it to a lab.</p>
  4. <p>short answer is you can do everything in PS. it may take a set of different layers and silver FX can shorten the process and you may find the interface friendlier. personally I think you can tell when an image has been 'Silver Efex'd and as such i stay away from it. If you do a lot of B&W that requires similar adjusment you can always have a default PSD file set up with all the required layers and just drag them ontop of the image your working with - shortens the process each time. for me the price tag was too great to invest in Silver FX, esp since I shoot film a lot anyway and a big part of the software is for 'recreating' film effects..</p>
  5. <p>hi Rob<br>

    nice simple 1 level design. scroll display seems well used by fashionistas sites. only thing id say is reading a block of white text on a black background leaves you seeing lines in front of your eyes afterwards. something i always hate. also you could have a bit more heirachy with your text. at the moment its all the same size. try and have your body copy 2 pts smaller then your headlines at least. the eye naturally looks for heirachy, makes it a bit easier to digest for the viewer.<br>


  6. <p>ive just bought 4 rolls of Rollei 400 IR 120 format. I hear its more friendly than the Efke but then ive not tried either yet. just waiting for the fiilter to arrive. my lens (80mm 2/8) has a marker on it for IR compensation, its a dotted line. other lenses have a red line or dot. I found a very imformative website or two which I will freely share with you now.<br>



  7. <p>apart from the 'do i need it question' the better reason to get one is the understanding of lighting it gives you once youve used one for a while. you start to almost not need a light meter at all in some situations (when using a manual camera)</p>
  8. <p>thanks for the pointers. QC yes a dotted line next to the 4. got it. starting to get my head around the IR concept. lot of info to assimilate. tempted to get that light meter and some gel but wld like to get by with the seksonic J510 i already have, to start with ar least. will bracket a bit for the first couple of rolls and see what comes out if anything then go from there. better get that patternson tank ordered as well.</p>


  9. <p>Hi adrian. thank you for a great response. if as you say getting the aforementioned lightmeter will save £'s in film costs it sounds well worth it esp as it seems to be very cheap ?.. what is involved in 'converting' it to IR ?<br>


    I will be using Rollei film and as i understand it there is no use getting a filter rated more than 720nm. I think i will go for the R72 from hoya as its half the price of the Heliopan RG715. Ive heard of some people stopping down as much as 8 stops for this filter. Even with a 5 stop reduction I think exposures are only going to be around 1-3 seconds, not long enough for a nice milky water effect on the sea.. I wonder how I can increase exposure time further... a polariser ?.... a ND filter ?... or will I just have to shoot in lower light conditions..<br>


  10. <p>Planning my first outing with Rollei IR film, 120 size, used in my 501cm with CB80mm Planar.<br /><br />I have done a fair bit of research regarding this film but am left with a couple of questions i hope someone here may be able to help with.<br /><br />Firstly Im unsure which filter to go for… Heliopan RG715 or HOYA R72. The Hoya is considerably cheaper.<br /><br />Also how to adjust for the focus shift given that my CB lens does not have any Red IR markings. should I just use hyperfocal distance ? (it will be landscape shots mostly)<br /><br />lastly as i understand it you need to rate the film 5-6 stops under with the above filters so ISO 12/25. If i wanted to try some longer exposure shots what effect will it have using a 110ND filter as well ? will it mess up the IR filters effect ? and what kind of reciprocity compensation should i be looking at ?<br /><br />thanks in advance :)<br /><br />Jon</p>
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