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Posts posted by monsoonphoto.net

  1. The black edition isn't out yet, but I had a chance to play with the schoolgirl-colored ones at Yodobashi yesterday. Turns out (unless I got the settings wrong) there's no prefocus on it. The lens doesn't focus when you hold down the button. Focusing is engaged only AFTER you push the button. So yes, there's a lag.
  2. Wonderful work. I love the colors and the presentation. One of my favorites is that of the

    young monk getting his head shaved.


    The AIDS in Thailand project was touching; brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.

  3. There are two versions of the RF: 1) standard kit comprising a velvet box, flash, 50/2.0

    and the body; 2) a special edition titanium-colored RF marked "limited," a 50/1.2 and a

    blue velvet box.


    The limited edition costs almost twice the price of the regular.


    The 1.2 is an amazing lens from what I've heard. No surprise, given how wonderful

    Hexanon lenses are. Typically very sharp with lots of "personality."

  4. I had one, and I sold it. It wasn't long enough to cover the base, making it unstable. I figured that over time, with picking it up and setting it down, the left end of the bottom plate would dent. A bit crazy? I'm now considering the M-Grip.
  5. I bought a Canon 9950F a couple of months ago to replace my Nikon Coolscan IVED. I basically wanted an all-in-one scanner that could do both 35mm and medium format negs. The MF scans are fine, but I find I keep going back to my Coolscan for 35mm scans. There is a difference there. The flatbed just isn't at the point where it poses a challenge to a good dedicated film scanner.
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