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Image Comments posted by bruce_hamm

    Canal Tunnel

    Thanks to all for the nice comments. When I took this photo, I was thinking of the images taken in the Antelope slot canyons, considering the way the light was streaming in from above. Exposure was in the neighbourhood of an eighth of a second, with my lens stopped down quite a bit. The most difficult part of this was finding a moment when the tunnel was not full of people...
  1. I really like the atmosphere that you've captured...very cold. I wonder how this would look if you exposed more for the trees. The mountains would lose detail, but it may have produced interesting results. Never the less, I do like what you've presented here.


    I really like the shadow to the left and the texture that you've captured. I may be tempted to crop out the dark areas to the right and bottom left...but that's just me. Overall, a lovely image.


    I like the picture quite a bit, as well as the others in your folders. Nice work. However, what I do find troubling is that this is the fourth time I've seen this photo posted to this forum. Now, I understand that we all want a lot of feedback on our work, but with the volume of critique requests on this forum I don't think its fair to community members to re-submit photos time and time again. I may be off base here, but thats my opinion for what its worth.
  2. Nice work James. I'd be tempted to place a grad ND over the trees. I find this part of the picture a tad over exposed. However, you've really captured the stream nicely. Keep posting more like this...

    The Cross

    I think the shot would be a bit better if you had captured more of the left side of the roof. However I do enjoy this shot very much. Congrats.

    New Skates

    Nice shot, Len. I might be tempted to crop it a tad closer, especially on the left. Otherwise I quite enjoy it. BTW, when was this picture taken? Everything about it (clothing, scooter, skate) indicates that it may have been awhile ago...
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