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Image Comments posted by bruce_hamm

  1. I believe the purpose of this forum is to facilitate some frank and honest discussion around the merits of the POW. Most of the posts here seem to have accomplished this, however to those of you who seem to enjoy to simply trash this photo for the sake of trashing it, or even worse, denegrading the photographer, I simply say to you 'Go get a life!' Since I've noticed that the worst of the offenders have't even posted any of their own shots to the site, I guess we should just take into account where these comments are coming from.


    I like this shot. It's not the best picture I have ever seen. It's probably not the best motorcycle shot I've ever seen. But, its a good shot and if I was a bike fan, I'd probably be willing to part with some cash to hang it on my wall. I don't think it deserves many of the harsh comments it has garnered and the photographer certainly doesn't deserve any of the abuse heaped upon him.

  2. Great work Bill. I like your picture just the way it is. For my tastes, if you bring out more of the foreground, the overall picture loses something. I try not to get too critical with other people's photos, after all, what we like-dislike about photography is a matter of taste. So to me, its a yes or no question, do I like it or not. The answer is a resounding yes! BTW, I also like your choice of equipment (the Epic and the OM-1). Thanks for sharing with us...
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