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New Skates


Leica M2, 135mm, Plus-X

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I watched this group of children playing for 15 or 20 min. They

either did't see me or were ignoring me. The 135mm helped. They were

never at a loss for something to do. Can we photograph like this in

North America (or anywhere) today without being looked at

suspiciously? Comments please. LM.

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I like this shot...good moment! Sure, you can do this in the US. Just ask their parents and get written permission and a court order and model releases and property releases and make sure you airbrush out any imperfections. Kidding, of course...keep shooting!
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Nice shot, Len. I might be tempted to crop it a tad closer, especially on the left. Otherwise I quite enjoy it. BTW, when was this picture taken? Everything about it (clothing, scooter, skate) indicates that it may have been awhile ago...
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I like the shot. It really reminds me of the 50s or something in Belgium. Why I don't know but that's what it makes me think. Good composition and the technical image quality (related to the film and papers etc) can be very important in conveying an era. You know how you can watch a movie and not even know when its from in actuality, but by the image quality and the particular look of the color (or not color, but black and white is harder) you can actually tell when its from? This does that for me. Very good


In the US. to do it as easily as you did there, no. You'd probably get in a lot of trouble if the parents found out you took the picture. People here are too anal.

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This is a trully wonderful photo and a beautifull print. I've been trying to pursuade myself I don't need a Leica but I'm not convinced! On the point of photographing children, I had some trouble in Barcelona with snapping some kids as they played at night. Their father came over and literally chased me off. It's a really retibble shame, but none of us should be discouraged to the point of stopping.
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Both shots are a real treat. The girls are completely unaware of your camera and their expressions are precious. They must grown women today.
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Lovely shot. I guess todays generations will grow up with their childhood other than dodgy family shots and offical school shoots largely unrecorded.


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We had a scooter and skates just like that which we brought to Canada from Holland. There were five of us and we had one pair of skates, so we took turns having one skate each. So I reckon she's saying "do you want the right one or the left one?" Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
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This is overflowing with a feeling of nostalgia of a time long past (at least, as you mentioned above, in North America). You have captured to a "T" that quality you see in young children of commitment to the moment at hand. What could be more interesting than seeing a new pair of skates, probably nothing? Except, for those of us lucky enough to be watching them, children doing what they do everyday. A loving tribute to childhood. Well done.
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I was browsing your galleries and this particular shot caught my attention because of the interesting story it tells. I like photographs that allow me to "step inside the frame" sort of speak and be part of that moment in time.

I like this photo for it's originality that surpasses any technical shortcomings.


Take care,



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Simon, Thanks for dropping by. Yah, I could have written 1000 words about the story unfolding here but elected to take a photo instead:) Technical flaws? Couldn't possibly have any! Ask anyone in the Leica Forum. (taken with Leica M2 and 135mm lens- circa 1963) Best, LM.
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Another favourite in your Wetzlar folder. Indeed, story telling, captivating, and touching (at least for me, evokes memories of my own youth). Excellent !
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Carsten, At the time, I simply considered these scenes to be a means to complete my assignment: to photograph street scenes of Wetzlar with supplied Leica M2, lens, and Plus-X film. Today I enjoy viewing them much more. The original post was scanned on an entry level flatbed from a 2"x3" print. This latest sample was scanned from the original negative on a Minolta Dimage Scan Dual II. Best, LM.

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Always a pleasure to hear from you. The skates: Never could understand how they could work well on all those cobblestones. :-) Maybe that's what she was telling the others. Best, LM.
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