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Posts posted by pmj

  1. <p>Josh -- looks great.</p>

    <p>- It might be good if the "Clear All Tags" option asked for confirmation.<br>

    - Is there a sorting order within the tag search results?<br>

    - Has Google image search access to these tags?<br>

    - Some auto-tagged images have duplicate tags, for instance if the location is also present in the caption. No problem, but then, duplicate tags probably don't serve any purpose.</p>

  2. <p>Here's one data point. My dad has a PC, a 2004 HP Pavilion with card reader, wireless keyboard and mouse (note: does require you to hook up some receiver first, so not quite wireless), wireless network (note: does require you to hook up an external antenna, so not quite wireless). It has a fairly decent videocard (note: no DVI). Sometimes the external hard drive is drive K:, other times it is called L: which is very convenient for automated scripts (not). It apparently comes with a program called pcnotify.exe which crashes after logging into Windows. I thought I had it removed, but after a while it "came back". It more or less requires an anti-virus program which needs updating. It displays a popup when it finds, loses and again finds the wifi network. The keyboard has all sorts of extra characters printed on the keys, making it look cluttered and hard to use for the hunt-and-peck typists. It doesn't look very nice. (Extra debet for HP: several months after XP SP2 was released, they still sold this machine with SP1, adding a few hours of work to upgrade.)</p>

    <p>Maybe this is one terrible example of a PC; although, with a bit of love and care and soft cussin', it has been in use for more than four years.</p>

    <p>I have a Mac. Its OS may not be able to run on 90% of the hardware out there, but it runs on mine. There may be a ton of programs out there, but I barely know how to use Aperture, Photoshop CS2 and the vi editor, so having even more programs seems not very useful to me. I can communicate with the rest of the world just fine. I have dutifully installed all Mac OS updates. I hook up my external drive and a backup is made.</p>

    <p>I don't like fixing computers, but when people find out that I "studied computers", so to speak, they sometimes ask. "Sure", I say, "would that be a MacBook Air, perhaps? Or one of those shiny new iMacs?" "Oh, never mind" is the usual response. How's that for return on investment? (My dad is the exception. I fix his PC when needed.)</p>

    <p>I like my Mac. It looks nice. It does what I want.</p>

  3. <p>Power Mac G5 2GHz dual-core, 4.5 GB memory, 160 + 200 GB disk (+500 GB Lacie Firewire 800 for backups), Apple 23" display, Eye-One Display 2. Epson R2880 printer. Adobe Photoshop CS2, Apple Aperture 2.</p>

    <p>Note: I use a PC at work all day to write software in Delphi, Oracle and PHP. Runs Windows XP, but I haven't a clue about the specs of the machine. It works just fine and I'm happy with it, but I'm at least as happy to use my Mac when I'm at home.</p>

  4. <p>I'm very happy with my Epson R2880 printer. Prints up to 13 x 19 inch and should be available for just under $700. Great for black and white, too. The R1900 seems better at high-gloss colour prints, from what I could tell at both Photokina and a photo class. (I prefer Epson Premium Semigloss paper at the moment, which the 2880 handles beautifully.)</p>
  5. <p>The Contact Us page (<a href="http://www.photo.net/info/contact-us">http://www.photo.net/info/contact-us</a>) lists the Site Help forum (<a href="http://www.photo.net/site-help-forum/">http://www.photo.net/site-help-forum/</a>). I'm not really sure why it isn't listed along all the other forums, but my guess is that it isn't a photography forum (as Nikon, Canon, Wedding and Social are) and thus not of interest to the general public.</p>

    <p>Don't know about enhanced biographies.</p>

  6. <p>I think Philip never did much editing on his photos in the sense of Photoshop work. They are fairly straight JPEG conversions from PhotoCD scans. My slides look somewhat similar unless I spend some time in Photoshop. If you're concentrating on creating a lot of content (text, pictures and software to support comments and discussions), I guess this is a reasonable compromise to make.</p>

    <p>You can read a bit more about it, and see the difference, in his old <a href="http://philip.greenspun.com/panda/images">Philip and Alex's book,</a> section Creating JPEGs from PhotoCD Image Pacs.</p>

    <p>A bit of work with levels goes a long way (but with 6,000 images it still equals a lot of work).</p>

  7. <p>Many webbrowsers are not aware of colour profiles and assume sRGB. If you shoot or edit in, say, Adobe RGB and then upload to photo.net, there may be a difference. It is probably best to first convert to sRGB and then use Save for Web in Photoshop. You can test this by simply opening the file on your local computer, using your webbrowser. If there's a difference between the way Photoshop shows the image and the way your browser does, it's probably something to do with colour profiles.</p>

    <p>Also, if your photos are wider than 680 pixels, photo.net resizes them, creating a new medium-sized file which may have a different compression/quality setting. The large view is still the original file as you uploaded it. (This is why many people ask you to "please view large version" -- no interference from other software.)</p>

    <p> </p>

  8. <p>I believe John Shaw has a nice example in his Landscape Photography book about photographing a flower bed. Using a tilt lens, you (more or less) only need to stop down to get enough depth of field for the height of the flowers. Using a regular lens, you need to stop down for the depth of the bed (e.g., a depth of field that runs from 1 to 10 metres).</p>

    <p>You can use an on-line depth-of-field calculator like <a href="http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/hyperfocal-distance.htm">http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/hyperfocal-distance.htm</a> to see that you might need to stop down to f/22. And that may lead to a slow shutter speed, blurred flowers etc.</p>

    <p>I suppose you could also tilt the lens the "wrong way" to obtain very little depth of field and other strange effects.</p>

  9. <p>While it is very unfortunate that photos from a hidden folder can be shown in a public member's community page, I'm not sure this is a "security issue" that needs to be seen to as soon as possible. (Someone being able to post using your account, or add/delete photos to/from your portfolio sound like security issues to me.)</p>

    <p>Please note that the photo.net terms of use state, among other things: "You agree to upload and post only User Content that you have created or for which you have permission from the copyright holder." Shots taken by someone else to demonstrate a processing technique should only be uploaded if you have their permission.</p>

  10. <p>It's deliberately kept vague so that it won't turn into some sort of competetion, figuring out the easiest way to get as much cannisters (or batteries, beer cans, whateveries) as possible. Just contribute to the site: post in forums, upload photos, offer critiques etc.</p>
  11. <p>I can visit this page just fine, but get the same warning as the others when accessing the front page. Note: the page appears to load a bit before it is all removed and replaced with the warning. Maybe somebody managed to sneak in a nasty ad?<br>

    Using Firefox, I get a popup suggesting me to download a file called pdf.pdf from fjeking.com. I decided to cancel that download, so I don't know what's in it. Better safe than sorry.</p><div>00RmjR-97315584.jpg.1b36fde090162855cae833fa800c4295.jpg</div>

  12. <p>I have seen this as well. Copy and paste via a text-only editor (I used TextEdit on the Mac) appears to be a work-around.</p>


    <p>No. Am not copying their names. Just text.</p>


    <p>Selected Fred's text, copy, paste in TextEdit, select all, copy, back to Safari, paste. Then selected the text and preseed the double-quote button.</p>

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