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Everything posted by User_5050610

  1. <p>Interesting discussion! Before I "knew better" I used the 24-85 f2.8--4 on a newly purchased D300S--with good results, for my kind of photos. Then--I read about how good the kit lens was--and ESPECIALLY how light weight it was--and bought one. Pleasantly surprised with the kit lens! Nice--sharp--and very LIGHT! The 24-85 did a great job, but was heavy. Are you a pro? If so- you don't care about weight. If not--wandering around for days at a time on a tour--big difference. The 18-55 kit lens can be VERY sharp! Up to the photog to hold it steady. Good luck!<br> Paul</p>
  2. <p>Hello again, Chip--sounds to me like the resistor ring is dirty and/or corroded. Pretty common on the older Nikons--I have an F2 suffering from the same malady.<br> Wouldn't hurt to give Jim a call at Vermont and see if he can further diagnose the problem, and he'll tell you if a CLA will help or not. Good luck--the FE is an excellent camera.<br> Paul</p>
  3. <p>Chip--don't know the diagnosis of your FE--have you tried a new battery? Sometimes that works wonders...If you decide a CLA is in order--Jim at Vermont camera works is really excellent. His work is superb, and on the FE2 and F3s I've had him CLA--the charges are usually under 100 plus return shipping. Of course, everyone's camera is different.<br> You might try a call to him and see what he says.</p> <p>Here's the website--<br> http://vermontcamera.com/</p> <p>Good luck! The FE is a great camera.<br> Paul</p>
  4. <p>Rick--great presentation as usual--and great pix! Amazing what those obscure cameras can do. Your number four photo is superb! Thanks!<br> Paul</p>
  5. <p>JamesmB--$450.00 is optimistically low for what you want to do. Could you replace what you lost for 450? Yikes, Dude----you got a challenge. Check out kehoutlet for what they have. I see lots of Nikon D90s and such in your price range. Good luck! Let us know how it works out for you...<br> Paul</p>
  6. <p>Regarding the D3300--on a recent trip, I found it to be an ideal travel camera while on a tour. There was lots of walking around, no chance or even need for a tripod--etc etc--just decent photos. The D3300 is lightweight--which was real criteria for me--and the autofocus was fine. Low light performance is great. In short--it was the best $$$$ I'd spent on a camera in a while. It did great with the jostling of the crowds--especially with the new retractable lens. The only limit I found was the fellow behind the camera--and even then, we got several keepers---:-) The 5300 may have been better for the built-in GPS--but lots more $$$. I am very pleased.<br> Thanks, Nikon!<br> Paul </p>
  7. <p>Henry--where are you located? Individual "speeds" can be reworked/adjusted. I had an F2 that the 1/125 was way off and was redone.<br> If you are in the US--there a really good shop I can recommend. Not affiliated, etc etc <br> Let me know.<br> Paul</p>
  8. <p>Wonderful stuff, Rick! Always enjoy your flawless presentations--superb. A really nice looking camera, and great colors in the pix.<br> One day, you'll have to show us ALL your cameras--may take several days, I'm sure---:-)<br> Thanks again.<br> Paul</p>
  9. <p>Kent--wow! Nice collection, and a great photo. Annie seems interested--and has that approving look---we have a mommie dog named Annie..<br> Thanks!<br> Paul</p>
  10. <p>Rick--super! Always look forward to your pix. Those great old Nikkormats just seem to follow me home--most recent is an ancient EL. They are great machines.<br> Take care!<br> Paul</p>
  11. <p>Rick D--love the pix! Especially the last one---the tones and contrast are wonderful. The Nikkormat and 50/2 are still are great combination. Thanks for posting...<br> Paul</p>
  12. <p>As always, SP--excellent! I really enjoy your tours--please let's see more!<br> Thanks!<br> Paul</p>
  13. <p>Alex--wow! What a beauty! And the EL seems to have a VERY accurate metering system--very easy to use.<br> Thanks for showing and have fun with the "new" EL....<br> Paul</p>
  14. <p>James Dainis--wow---love the picture! Some serious machinery--what is it and where is it? Looks like a huge industrial pumping station--<br> Actually, ALL the photos are great! Much better than the "standard" photo sites--e.g. Nikon Wednesday, Canon Thursday--etc.. You know--maybe these old classics ARE still OK---:-) :-) :-)<br> Thanks to all---<br> Paul</p>
  15. <p>Chris--love the kitty pix! Both are very charming! Looks as if they've found "cat heaven" at your place. Thanks for taking them in--<br> Paul</p>
  16. <p>Nick D--that first shot is really beautiful! Thanks!<br> Paul</p>
  17. <p>Chris Wick--love your kitty pix! They are certainly cute--probably keep you really busy!<br> Paul</p>
  18. <p>Steve Deer--an absolute classic--and a great shot!<br> What was the outcome? Did the pup come to his senses? :-)<br> Paul</p>
  19. <p>Lex--see Laurie T's post, above. It was from Lens Rental...<br> Paul</p>
  20. <p>Allan--did you get the Nikon warranty with the lens? If so, send it back and have them fix it. If not, try the lens for a while and see what you think. Andre is right--something that small probably won't have any effect on your pix.<br> Good luck!<br> Paul</p>
  21. <p>Eric--did you get all your questions answered? There's plenty of good info from the fellows above. It is a great camera to use if you have any interest in film at all. You'd be surprised at what great pix you can get, even from the film from Walgreen's! Keep us posted.<br> Paul</p>
  22. <p>Eric--I'm pretty certain you won't need a battery! You might need an external light meter--or the sunny 16 rule. One tip about the Summarit--if you use it without a lens hood--and shoot anywhere the sun--it WILL flare! O/W a really excellent lens--good for portraits, as it doesn't seem to be ultra tack sharp. Use a little caution with the older cameras--don't force anything. The IIIF red dial is a superb machine and really fun to use! Congrats, and keep us posted...<br> Paul</p>
  23. <p>Eric--assuming there are no issues withe the camera or lens--e.g.--the camera works great and the lens is clean on the inside and on the glass surfaces----my SWAG is that you could get between 600-800 USD for both. Really, it all depends on external and internal condition. I paid 300 for essentially the same camera, but then had to add 130 for a CLA. Best bet is to look at ebay completed listings for the pair. Nice looking rig!<br> Paul</p>
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