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Image Comments posted by freewolf


    Amazing shot, Wendy! Colors are perfect, detail very nice, and striking effect with your angle on the raised wings. Excellent work!


    ...and another fine shot! Perfect capture of the eyes and expression. Lighting just a tad softer might be nice, but then you'd lose a bit of the sparkle. Keep it up!
  1. Marvin, a very nice shot here! You were luck to get such an open shot of the nest -- the chicks are what make it unique and kind of touching. I might have aimed about 5 degrees further left. Excellent work!
  2. Thanks for your kind (and generous!) comments, J. I had to crop a good bit to get this composition, as I have limited lens selection at the moment and couldn't really get in closely enough to get what I wanted. I liked the radiating veins of the leaf, and hoped it wouldn't draw away too much from the little assassin. Visual composition is a whole new world for me, in the formal sense, so I do a bit of experimenting and I'm not always sure when I've succeeded. Thanks for the encouragement!

    The Monarchs

    Floris, what a beautiful shot... I find nothing to complain about, and everything to like, in this photo. Further comment wouldn't do it justice. Excellent work!

    Lunch NN Park

    Hi, Al... Very impressive shot and very nice treatments! (And this from a guy isn't a huge alterations fan). I see a subtle and effective touch at work, very pleasing to the eye. Keep it up!


    Ali... beautiful photo! Color, focus, and composition are very nice. The flower behind the butterfly's head has a kind of halo effect. Good job!

    Spider and child

    Shahram, what a unique capture! Focus is great, showing wonderful detail. The only distraction to me is the busy quality of the foreground on the right side of the frame, and I'd be tempted to crop it in on the right and bottom to bring more attention to the very unique subject. Great work!

    Daffodil and bee

    Yves, I like this photo a lot. I'm not experienced enough to know if you're a bit out of focus, or if a faster shutter speed or using IS could have tightened up the detail. I'd have been tempted to clone out the few artifacts in the bottom background, but they're not a big problem. You'll probably get better as you use the new lens more. Good work, keep it up!
  3. This is a really wonderful shot in so many ways, although I agree it seems a bit harsh, perhaps a bit oversaturated. A little softening in this area and you've got a real winner! Most folks can't get this great a vantage point on a heron nest. Great work all in all, Don!

    Snowy Owl

    Beautiful bird, gorgeous capture! Love the composition and cleanness of this shot, particularly the natural pop of the eyes. I think leaving the small blurred object in the foreground was a great idea, as it brings me right to those eyes. One of my few 7/7s. Great work!
  4. Very nice shot, Gary... Focus on detail is great, and humor level high. This is no "sitting duck"! I think it would benefit from a slightly tighter crop top and bottom... other than that, great job...

    Heron Banking

    Gorgeous shot, Marvin! Detail in the wings is really nice... Awesome picture of an awesome creature. The background seems a bit busy, but I just can't take my eyes off the bird, so no harm. Nice work.


    Dariusz, this is a very expressive capture. I like your use of available light. I'd almost suggest cropping on the left side, but the presence of the empty chairs actually lends to the mood. Very well done in my opinion!
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