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Image Comments posted by freewolf

  1. Thanks, Michael! Believe it or else, the only post processing involved was cropping, color correction, WB and sharpness adjust -- no cloning here! I suppose it was the upward angle of the cone and its extreme convex shape that kept me hidden.
  2. Thanks, Michael.... While I don't particularly mind cloning, I'd rather that I had taken a bit more time to compose the shot properly to begin with! I honestly didn't notice the military guy in the background until I looked at it on the computer. Beginner problem, mostly, but livin' and learnin' is what it's all about. I appreciate your comments!

    Emergence 4

    Thank you Sonali, Linh, Tom, and Lacey for your praise and suggestions... I'm very flattered! Tom and Lacey, I'll play with your suggestions... I agree that the right of the frame is a bit busy, but was hoping to keep a landscape orientation to the shot as the twig sort of suggested it to me. Thanks again.
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