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Image Comments posted by tibig

    Enders Falls


    The cropped image really caught my eye, it stands out even from your otherwise very nice portfolio. The blue of it is fantastic and also the square format is very well used here. To be honest, the uncropped version is also good and I agree with you, small branches that might sometime be the difference between an excellent image and a perfect one should not be surgically removed.

    Regards, Tibi


    On the Walls (3)


    Thanks Christoph for the thoughtful and helpful comment. I hope no harm was done to your eye and brain, the intent of the images was to show the hodge-podge of the roofs that is an important part of the wall walk experience.



    Nice composition and good use of the wide angle lens. I like the post processing, but be careful with the sky: the rag-like fractal structure of the clouds on the upper left is a bit unnatural.

    Regards, Tibi

    On the Walls (2)


    Thanks for the comments. I see the shadow catches some interest, indeed I did have thoughts about it (no devil came to offer me a deal for it, unless you Laurent? :)). But if I clone it out, then there is an awful big featureless area on the lower left side. Putting then some grass in it would be in my opinion akin to fraud.

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