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Posts posted by missy_kay

  1. <p>Hello,<br>

    My name is Kay and I am a Professional wedding photographer looking to expand my knowledge of lighting techniques for future weddings and engagement photoshoots. I thought the best way to do so would be to assist for a fashion photographer in NYC. So if anyone needs an assistant please contact me via my photo.net profile :)</p>

  2. <p>Thanks Ryan! you're so sweet! That was photographed with a 50mm 1.4 but hopefully if I can save up enough money from weddings this year I will upgrade to the 1.2. I'm crossing my fingers! The isolated color one- lol I know that's pretty old skewl but I just like black and white a lot I suppose. I'll change it on my blog though...<br>

    Matthew- Those are just random songs I enjoy which play automatically when anyone visits my blog. I'm hesitant about doing slideshows even though I know that's the "new trend" in wedding photography. I don't think it adds anything to the image but that's just IMHO.<br>

    Raymond- I believe it may be because I converted to black and white then erased the flowers which I didn't erase enough of the details even though I zoomed in. I'm not really sure what's "weird" about it though? I also sharpen the image after editing...</p>

  3. <p><em>Also, I am having some confusing thoughts when I look at the lipstick/ring shot...Don't know why.<br />The overly blue sky in the one picture is a touch too much for my taste. <br />What is the fourth song? The one with the whistling.</em><br /><em></em><br /><em></em><br />Lipstick shot is one of my favs lol. Why does it confuse you? Just curious...<br />The fourth song is called "Love Generation" by Bob Sinclair and I heart that song ;)</p>
  4. <p>There's SOOO many things I wish I did after the fact but we really had limited to to take pictures with just the B&G. I would really appreciate any comments or criticisms so I can keep improving for my next wedding. God Bless!</p>

    <p><img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_JyC7pVbPZqE/SkvryOWBf9I/AAAAAAAAAYM/rzq-Th9vL90/s800/aprilwow.jpg" alt="" width="750" height="552" /><br>

    You can view more from the wedding here:</p>

    <p><a href="http://kayenglish.blogspot.com/2009/06/april-mike-married-06-28-2009.html">http://kayenglish.blogspot.com/2009/06/april-mike-married-06-28-2009.html</a><a href="http://kayenglish.blogspot.com/"></a></p>

    <p>Thanks! Yay!</p>

  5. <p>At a wedding I photographed last Sunday, I must have seriously pulled a neck muscle. Which is sort of weird because I have been assisting for 2 years and have carried really heavy equipment before, but for some reason it just really injured me on Sunday.<br>

    I was carrying my 5d with the 70-200IS, 40D with the 24-70 and my shoot sac with 4 other lenses. I was running around a lot and thats the only thing I can think.<br>

    So my question is, does anyone do specific stretches before they shoot weddings? Or do you just get used to it over time? How come only some weddings pull muscles and others don't.</p>

  6. <p>I have the 10-22 and it's honestly one of my favorite lenses. Even though I upgraded to a 5d and can only use it on my 40d. It's the only reason I'm keeping my 40d is because of that lens. The colors are so much richer in this lens for some reason and everything pops. I took the following shot with the 10-22:<br>

    <a href="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9015335-lg.jpg">http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9015335-lg.jpg</a></p>

  7. <p>I shot my first sweet 16 last Saturday and it was the coolest experience ever! It was so much more fun than weddings because there wasn't much stress. Everyone danced and had a great time. Does anyone just do sweet 16's for events? I imagine there isn't much money in it, but they are fun! :)<br>

    You can view some of my images here:</p>



    Kay - unless you are looking for a critique - please don't post your blog or website. - Moderator

  8. <p>Well I spoke with the bride and she was very nice about the situation and I agreed to waive the contract fee if she paid in cash, which she offered to do. So the situation is worked out. I will just make up another contract myself without paying the lawyer his fee to draw up another contract and I'll just eat the costs on overnight shipping for the lens.</p>
  9. <p><em>My thought is that you're going to come across as a jerk, no offense. I think you waited too long- you didn't remind them of the deadline, you've had the check for two weeks, and now you want to make a big stink less than a week before their wedding?</em><br>


    I did remind them of their deadline and I've only had the check a couple of days.</p>

    <p><em>I certainly hope that you find out the story before informing them of the new contract and penalty.</em><br>


    If the contract has been broken, I legally can't do the wedding. I have to pay $120 to the lawyer to draw up a new contract. It's not just a random penalty. I also have to pay $30 for overnight delivery of lenses I usually rent with the money from the wedding, but in this case have been unable to.</p>

    <p><em>You're also going to insult them by asking "what the couple can afford"? AND you're going to mention lawyers?</em><br>


    I'm trying to work with them. You don't think it's more insulting if I place an ultimatium on them stating "You must have this paid in full prior to the wedding". What if they can't afford it? Does this mean I won't do the wedding.</p>

    <p><em>Just let them know that since there was a problem with the check that you must have cash or a cashier's check. If they can't do that, then no work will be done on the photos until after all payments are cleared.</em></p>

    <p>I legally cannot take pictures if there is no new contract in place. Like stated above, if a photographer does that knowing the contract was already breeched, they can get sued even if the couple never pays them.</p>

  10. <p>Thank you all for your help!<br>

    What I've decided to do is call the couple today (As I couldnt yesterday with having another wedding), and inform them the situation with the mistake on the check.<br>

    Since the contract is breeched, I will require a completely new contract to be drawn up and signed by them prior to the event (As Anna suggested above, it would be foolish of me to go through with the wedding when the contract is already breeched unless a new one was drawn up).<br>

    So I will basically ask the couple what they can afford to do and place that in the new contract. I will also charge them a fee of $150 for breech of contract and drawing up of new contract by my lawyer, which does not have to be paid until after the wedding, but must be paid in full before delivery of images.<br>

    <br />Thoughts????</p>

  11. <p><em>It is really too bad that some people just don't pay attention to contracts and feel they can take advantage of you.</em></p>

    <p>See that's the thing, I wouldn't be upset if I knew it was a mistake. But this just seems like it was done on purpose. And that really upsets me.</p>

  12. <p>I have a wedding next Sunday and I stated on every contract "wedding must be paid in full one month prior to event".</p>

    <p>So the couple sent me a check about a week and 1/2 ago (it was late) and I just took it to the bank yesterday and the check date says "10/4/09". So I can't cash it until then. UMMMM!!!! The wedding is next SUNDAY! I'm so upset right now.</p>

    <p>1) would you take the wedding now that they broke the contract?</p>

    <p>2) Would you charge them extra for all this hassle and for breaking the contract?</p>

    <p>3) What would you do?</p>

    <p>I e-mailed her and told her I would not be able to photograph her wedding until the balance is paid in full. This is very frustrating. Who does stuff like this!?</p>

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