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Posts posted by missy_kay

  1. <p>Gary,</p>

    <p>Thank you for your responses. IMHO, I think the versions you posted are really over-edited and don't look natural. Since the 100% crop of the first image was sharp, I think it's definitely in my editing.<br>

    <br /> Richard-</p>

    <p>You are correct, the second photo was underexposed and I lightened it up before I posted it. That was the last one in a set of ones I took while laying on the ground and I think it had camera shake.</p>

    <p>Lindsey- I respectfully disagree 100%.</p>

    <p>Stuart- Should I do something differently in resizing? I save them at quality 60 jpeg?</p>

    <p>Robert- Thanks! I think I'm going in a good direction, I just need to practice more on camera and in pp.</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>F8? lol<br>

    What's the point of getting lenses that are 2.8 then? Why not just use the kit lenses? If Jessica Claire and Jasmine star can effectlively shoot 2.8 and lower, then it's possible for anyone to do it successfully with practice.</p>

  3. <p>hey William Wallace! What are you doing in these parts of the net? And why did my post get moved from the weddings section? lol.</p>

    <p>Anywho, I want to thank everyone SOOOO much for their advice! I'm going to start shooting in large JPEG again and only shoot RAW when I learn to post process it correctly. I tested my 50 1.4 lens yesterday and noticed a lag when I tried to focus so I really have to take my time and make sure I focus correctly. I love the new feature on the 5d MK II where it shows you the exact focus point.<br>

    I also got the Kubota magic sharp and noticed it's making a huge different. I've been doing something new with my PP work in lightroom with a preset that I think is adding a weird effect that makes it not as sharp. I'm going to go back to my old way of processing images.<br>

    As for the bokeh suggestions, I'm sorry but I love love love shooting 2.8-1.4. I don't know if I could ever give that up! lol <3</p>

  4. <p>closeup!<br>

    <a href="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2594/3945027089_733d06c02a_b.jpg">http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2594/3945027089_733d06c02a_b.jpg</a></p>

    <p ><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4171451">Marc Sharp</a> <a href="http://www.photo.net/member-status-icons"><img title="Subscriber" src="http://static.photo.net/v3graphics/member-status-icons/sub2.gif" alt="" /></a>, Sep 22, 2009; 03:43 p.m.</p>


    <p>Just a thought...<br />Have you recently started shooting in RAW format? If you normally shoot in JPG format, then the camera had already been increasing the sharpness when it converted your photos to JPG, and you would perceive decreased sharpness when you move to the RAW format. That's OK though. You just need to add the sharpness yourself in post processing.</p>


    <p><strong>YES! I just started shooting RAW. Omg should I switch back to jpeg?</strong></p>

    <p> </p>

  5. <p>Lately, none of my images seem sharp enough. It's starting to REALLY bother me. I shoot with a 5d and try to keep the ISO low to avoid noise. I also shoot with a 50 1.4 that was accidentally dropped by my hubby and I sent it to Canon to get fixed.<br>

    I'm just not sure how to fix it. Maybe I should start using a monopod? Or dialing up my ISO so the shutter is faster (but that will create more noise)? Do I get a 50mm 1.2 to replace the 50 1.4? Should I take my time more and focus three times on the point? Should I buy boutwells magic sharp? Thanks for your advice! <3</p>

  6. <p>I would never take group table shots if the couple didn't ask. And if they did ask, I would hesitate and inform them it's virtually impossible to get group table shots. I had a horrible experience as an assistant a few years back with table shots and I'm very against doing it because you miss the important shots, you have to wait for people to get back from the bathroom, people give you such huge attitudes, etc... Sorry but this is one thing I feel strongly about is not doing table shots...<br>

    Regarding the leaving early, I always leave after the cake cutting but I inform the bride of that prior to the wedding. After that point, there isnt much need for a professional photographer since there is just dancing shots that guests can get. I think everything the photographer did was 100% correct but probably just should have informed you prior to the wedding.</p>

  7. <p>Well the best advice I can give you is to look forward and try to forget about what happened. Upload the pictures you have to this site and we'll try to edit and fix them. Then I suggest hiring a Professional photographer to do a "rock the dress" photoshoot and get amazing photos then! It's hard I know to forgive and move on, but the only alternative is to fight the photographer but that's not going to get you more pictures :(</p>
  8. <p>Thanks David... I think something about the kubota is that it's a sharpener meant for portraits. I'm not 100% sure about that but it seems to not over sharpen areas that don't need it. I use the boutwell's a better web sharpener and it's pretty great! I just wonder if there's a huge difference?</p>
  9. <p>Does anyone have and use this action? Is it 100% worth it? Is there anyway you can run it on one of my images so I can see the before and after? They don't have samples on the website but I hear photographers rave about this action.</p>

    <br />Thanks!</p>

  10. <p>Just because a photographer prefers natural light, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to book weddings. Off-camera set ups aren't necessarily "elementary" concepts, if they were- there wouldn't be seminars costing thousands of dollars targetting professional wedding photographers...</p>


  11. <p>Which is why I'm asking these questions... I've been reading the facts on J*'s blog and the off-camera lighting question came up on this page-<br>

    <a href="http://jasminestarblog.com/index.cfm?postID=115">http://jasminestarblog.com/index.cfm?postID=115</a><br>

    1) I can figure out the position of the off camera flash in all of them except the top two. Where do you think those were?</p>

    <p>2) She said she uses a sunpak, but I can use my extra 430ex right?</p>

    <p>3) Do you think she spot meters? Do you spot meter? I've been thinking about switching to only spot metering... thoughts?</p>

    <p>4) If she uses a 530ex on her camera, how does the pocketwizard know to go off if she doesn't have it on her camera? </p>

    <p>Thanks :)</p>

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