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stephane camus

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Image Comments posted by stephane camus

  1. This is a glass print that has been scanned.

    This picture was taken by my great grand father, before 1914, year of

    his death as, unfortunatly, many other young men of this time...

    We found a lot of glass prints, most of them black and white. This is

    one of the rare color one.

    I like the composition of it in this typically bourgeois-decorated

    parisian apartment at the beginning of the century.

    window God

    I forgot to mention that this picture was taken from inside a temple, this is a decoration on a window frame, not a fence. So I could not go on the other side.. :) Now that I think about it, I should have tried indeed to be more extreme with shallower DOF. I suppose I was at 50 to 70mm at f4 or f8... I should have tried different apertures, some sort of DOF braketing! Well, I plan to go back to Laos within two years... I'll try again! Thanks for your comments.


    I think the wall on the right and on the left are making a frame-in-the-frame which I do not like very much. Maybe if you crop the left wall? This is just my humble opinion, of course.
  2. In my humble opinion, I think there is a problem with the lightning. It is harsh and there is a big reflection spot in the oil bottle. Also, the bright colors (yellow red and green) are not very harmonious. The egg is over exposed also. All together, it does not make me want to have a sandwich. ;) Did you use a soft box? Still, I like the idea...
  3. Town: Mariemont, near Cincinnati. Too easy with the web!

    Comments: I like the light (dusk?) but I would have liked to see the top of the building.

    IMHO, I would try to face the building more, be further or use a wider lens, that way the car passing by would be masking less of the scene also. And maybe also les exposition or later at night, that way the main lightboard would be well exposed.

  4. Something you might want to try: I do not know if a digital camera has the equivalent of 'Second Curtain' synchronization but you might want to try that with the same picture. Second curtain synchronization means that the flash fires at the end of the picture (when the curtain closes on a film camera), so in this case, the blur would be behind the subject instead of in front (see his hands & helmet), giving a more logical visual effect. I am sure there are plenty of talks about Second Curtain on this site. :)

    You could also try to follow the cyclist, so the background would be blurry (classical, especially if the background not interesting) or try to find a background maybe more 'eye catching' like other kids watching etc...


  5. There is something of a Japenese painting in this picture. Very original. Did you try croping the sky out? I have no idea though if it would work well or not.

    Thanks for sharing this image!

  6. I have seen your web site before and I think you have amazing pictures. I love this kite technique and I hope this will give many good ideas to the people who enjoy your pictures. Thanks!!


    There is something unique in your pictures. They show us how incredibly poor these people are, but they also show us their hapiness, emotions, generosity and their dignity. I am very impressed.
  7. I am very impressed with what you can do with a digital camera and using self-portrait!

    I always liked the pictures in your portfolio. This is really artistic nudes. Congratulation for this POW. I like the almost vertical point of view of the camera and the pose you took. It's very sensual and the aesthetic is beautiful. Contrary to a comment I read before, I think it takes more than just a woman naked to get good comments on a picture! Actually, I think it's even harder because you have to take the viewer beyond the fact that he is looking at a nude, and you do it very well. Thanks for your work!

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