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stephane camus

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Image Comments posted by stephane camus

    2 Crows


    Thank you for all these kind and humorous comments. They actually make me feel not depressed at all.

    I'll make sure to carry my camera around whenever I feel blue again.


    2 Crows


    Thanks for ratings and comments. Do not hesitate to include your name,

    I NEVER get angry and I will no retaliate. If you think this is a 3-1

    (or less) shot, then rate it likewise, but please, let me the

    opportunity to have a look at your portfolio too. Thanks!


    Bird Plum Tree


    In March, these "Shiro-Me" (White Eye) and the plum tree blossom are

    the first signs that spring is coming in South Japan.

    Taken with a 70-200mm hand-held. No reframe. Comments and ratings

    welcome! Thank you.

  1. This picture makes me wonder what the main subject really is. Is it the reflection on the water? The Bridge? The lights? The conciergerie as the title suggests? I think the composition lacks of point of view or intention. Too bad because there are good grey tones.

    Desole pour l'anglais, mais je me plie a la majorite. ;)



    As I was trying to find an interesting point of view, I realized there

    was an airport nearbye... so I waited for the next plane to come.


    Thanks for your ratings and comments.



    You can see a man sleeping behind the bicycle... I have not noticed

    him until I developp the picture in darkroom...

    Thank you for your comments and ratings.

  2. I think it is a witty creation especially since the nazy were famous for burning books. This picture brings different feelings and reflections. One of them (at least for me) would be that, despite the fire, somehow the beast could rise again from its own ashes. Looking at this face still intact after the fire chills me to the bone. Does anyone have matches?


    That guy's silhouette reminds me of Woody Allen. Having a Woddy Allen look alike man looking at a famous Cartier Bresson picture taken in New York... now that is good!



    Thank you for your comments. Indeed, I thought that the left white part was a little too big, and I like the cropped version too. Thanks for the idea.


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