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Image Comments posted by anat1

  1. this truly is.

    Great B/W treatment, so much action. Lots of interesting detail - grabs the attention and holds it.

    I wonder if showing more of the water will tell the story better (in terms of the crossing or going to drink etc). Just a thought.

    Kudos on a great piece!

    The Red Earrings


    Hey Trisha!

    "I love photos like this one that allow me a glimpse into the life or nuances of a person" -- I actually don't wear the earrings :D. But I really loved the pic and was disappointed when I got that single bad rating. I'm happy at least one other person likes this photo. Thanks!!


    Hello Lunch!


    Hi again Trisha! Thanks for the comment. Does (s)he really look sad? Maybe a little, since it was a zoo. Sorry for responding late to your comments - wasn't around for a bit.

  2. Thank you Matthijs.

    I agree about the breathing room at the top - in this particular case, unfortunately, I was trying to crop out a distracting building in the b/g - hence the very little space atop.

    The Pansy


    David - I'm very happy this one caught your interest inspite of flowers not being your thing. I hope that says something positive about the image.

    Thank you for visiting and commenting.



    Lovely, striking.

    Would be powerful with a different caption? say something like "Please Help." or "Reaching Out" You can probably come up something better than me.

    But great image! Love it.



    As always, Roger, excellent observations and advice! I never thought about it fitting the stationary format - but you are right, its exactly like that!

    I have flipped horizontally to have the flower to the left.


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