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Image Comments posted by anat1

    A Ram's Pose


    Hi Colton,


    Thanks for the comments. I see what you mean and the lesser cropped version (above) does look better. I have tried replacing the current (cropped) version with this by uploading - but the image on the site does not seem to change (even though I cleared my cache several times). Umm.


  1. Dear Zsolt,

    Thank you for your comments. I agree that something at the end of the path would have made it better. Unfortunately there wasn't anything there :D. I will look for this in my next compositions.And I think I cropped it too much and lost the advantage of the wide-angle - good point. Here is another take without so much cropping:A Path to Yonder Hills - yet another take

    Thanks for taking interest.

    -- anat


    Fox at San Juan


    Daniel and Hannu,


    Thanks for your comments. I got lucky - (s)he was curiously looking right at me and I got the shot.


    Here is another, funnier, shot of the fox scratching itself :D :


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