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Image Comments posted by anat1

  1. One of the many streams that cut across Milford Track in Fiordland

    National Park, New Zealand. The light filtering through

    rainforest-like canopy created a warm green hue. It began to rain, but

    I was able to hide under a bridge to take this pic without getting my

    camera wet. Standing knee-deep in the cold rushing water allowed me

    only a few minutes to setup and compose. It is beautiful place that

    the photo doesn't do justice to.

  2. Thank you Jerome, Jed & Anonymous.

    Jerome - I agree, Beynac is nice, early and late when the day-tour crowds are absent. Its a beautiful walk on narrow cobbled streets from the chateau at the top through the town to the river below.


    The Lush Creek


    A horizontal version of a previous image.


    Spring melt-water flows in the lush green forests of B.C.


    Critique/comments greatly appreciated... Thank you in advance.

  3. This is a different crop of the previous image. I got feedback sayingthat a composition without the yellow band in the previous image wouldwork better.

    Your comments / suggestions are as always greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.
  4. Irene, Thanks for looking and for your great feedback.

    The yellowish band at the top was part of the existing scene (I didn't add it). The two different colors were probably caused by a band of clouds that stopped above the peaks.

    At first I thought the composition was cool - with the two colors (almost like a flag!). But now that you mention it, cutting off the yellow at the top may make for a more "harmonious" image without the sudden, distracting yellow.

    I cropped it and think it works (although the tips of the mountains are too close to the top). I'm attaching a version here. What do you think?



  5. Stephen, Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Happy to know you are from around the Pac-NW. Tell me, do you know any other good spots to catch the sunset in Seattle? :)  If the boat had lights I'm sure it would have been a better pic.

    Dear Grigoriy, thank you for looking and commenting.


  6. Test setup:

    Tripod. 7D. ISO 1600 (sorry about high ISO, I don't believe it affects the results), F2.8 aperture. Indoors. Subject at 8 ft away. Images shown at around 100% crop.

    Key to the test images:

    Manual - means I focused manually so as to be able to have a reference.

    11mm - the lens was kept at 11mm wide

    16mm - the lens was zoomed out to 16mm

    x Adjust - is the amount of micro-adjustment added



    11mm, Manual : means, lens was at 11mm and focusing was done manually.

    16mm, +8 Adjust: means lens was at 16mm, +8 micro-adjustment was added and the lens was auto-focused.


    Le Cycliste


    Thank you Ranga.

    I would like to upload larger versions too, but I dont like the "medium" versions of the images that photo.net generates. I often find they have compression artifacts. Thats why I began uploading images with long-edge less than 679px.

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