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Image Comments posted by lech1


    The strongest line in this picture is the one invisible - the direction in which women are looking at something.


    Time destroys everything. This is the reality we feel. Here the IR light makes the scene unreal. Deep mood does not emerge. This is a false picture.

    L Dune

    I know from the other web site that the author can grasp the feeling of a wild landscape and the beauty of women. Picture of dune is fine but deserves no second glance like a pattern on the sand that lasts a split second. This is simply the photography. Congratulations.


    I do not agree that the white spot to the right spoils anything. In contrary it constitues a balance. Starting from this observation i arrived to the conclusion, that the higher dynamic range would enable understanding of this image not as the interesting graphic pattern but as the process of passing on the other side.

    old musicien

    Drama and loneliness is present here in the equal quantity as one can meet in a railwaystation lobby. Music with such instrument is not exercised in loneliness. It is a passion which old people need to avoid drama. I think that the origin of technical problems here is the low level of camera above the floor (it was probably 1m).


    I would crop this scene hard from the bottom. After that it becomes more dynamic and studio context is lost. One can get impression that the woman wants out from a shell. The leaf resembles Samotraki Nike wing, moreover the head is missing as well. I wonder if the authors creation was inspired. The outcome is IMO excellent.

    Saying good-by

    This is the first unmanipulated honest photo until I visit photo.net for the first time three month ago. Is it necessary to search archives to find such picture? The hair of women is realy like the one produced using aquaforta method or a relief from Roman coin. Dog looking at the distant point is wise and anticipating as if it can say come what may.

    Snow in DC

    Snow flakes falling down close to the lens have great angular speed and make white traces. Here we see only white spots against umbrella and black coat. This makes this scene unreal. The strength of this shot should arise however from the capture of the mood and moment. This photo is not the success in my opinion, for it has been tuned.

    In My Eyes

    This photo does not tell anything about doughter and son. It tells something about author maybe. I have to say that people think about a smile of the women for five hundred years.
  1. The composition is perfect. IMO the memory of motion is the only justification of doing this kind of picture and here it is evident.

    Only one factor spoils the mood - women shoud admire her body and one on display probably is not.

    Visiting winter

    The outcome of activity matters and not in depth analysis of creation process such as: - good job - perfect shot - fine bokeh - well done - this is the best of yours and many others. This image is a joke. It seems likely that this is a patchwork one can spot pinned on a kitchen wall.



    Only the face on the left side is sincere. The one to the right is the sharpest but not sincere.

    Scene is emotionally unbalanced.


    detail at the right ear attracts my attention to that extend that spoils the other impressions which come, because I keep thinking what it is all about?
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