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Image Comments posted by karenf

    At The Edge

    I like this david. especially the light just touching the curved tips of the grasses. are the grasses in sand? the highlights might be missing a bit of detail.


    hi jill. this is a great action shot of your kona. i was thinking i might like to see just a little bit more space around him. i am so envious of your snow. where i am, we never see snow at all. it looks great to photograph in.
  1. hi jennifer. i think it is better without the lines. what do you think? there may be a little tonal depth missing and you might also consider changing the color balance. having said that, it is a lot to do with personal taste so don't believe everything i say. and i think you will learn to trust your own eye. everyone always has their own take on an image. i am not sure how you dodge and burn areas but here is how i do it. for example, if i want to lighten/darken an area, like just the face, i would select the area with the lasso tool, then feather the selection, then add a levels or curves adjustment layer. to dodge and burn, i create a new layer, change the blend mode to soft light. i select the brush tool and change the opacity to about 12% then i brush white or black to dodge or burn. btw... i like your buster brown. cheers for now. karen
  2. hi ray. the colours and the light in the shot are really great. the only thing i would do is maybe change the composition so the dog wasn't in the middle of the shot. maybe crop the right and bottom corner. i just love the blue and the gold together.

    on Ivy

    thank you very much jennifer. i really appreciate your comments and it is great that my images are giving you some ideas for your own photography. i am still learning too and finding inspiration from other peoples photography all the time.


    thanks joao and roman for your comments. i am not sure there is a lot that can be said about a public toilet but i really like this image. maybe it's the light coming through the window that makes it interesting.
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