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Everything posted by michaellinder

  1. Indeed, Barry, I find this image quite impressive. What really grabbed my attention is how the rainbow seemed to disappear behind dark clouds only to emerge on the other side. I found the colors quite alluring. The image as a whole is quite well seen and presented.
  2. Robin, I found the irrigation boom to add interest. Without it, there might not be any story at all.
  3. Indeed, the tree can conjure up a variety of elements as long as the viewer is willing to make the effort. I see an eye, perhaps a mouth. Well seen and presented, Michael.
  4. Vincent, I'm thrilled to view an image like this. Giangiorgio is entirely correct by describing the building materials and noting the lighting's role. To me, the lighting is key to the image's success. Finally, I disagree with Franz; the effect he describes only affects the left side of the image. - - My best always, mchael
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