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Image Comments posted by evphotography

  1. Hey Joseph, I looked at your cropped version and I agree that it does elimante too much of the basalt cliff which I really like in this image. I think John's suggestion in maybe just decreasing the saturation a little and little darking in the corner would be a great fix for it. I'm glad you enjoyed Charles Cramer's work, it surely has been an inspiration to me. In fact it has actually changed my style of photography now, because I really focus more on the intimate parts of nature instead of large landscapes. I too will be checking back to see more of your work as you add it, I just love this style of photography.

    Cold and Alone

    Awesome shot Marc, as always your work is amazing. Your use of color is always so terrific. The compostion with the line in snow leading you out to the distant mountains and sunburst is outstanding.

    Lagoon Sunset

    Awesome shot! The soft pastal colors in this are beautiful. I also love the simple compostion in it as well, less is more. I would also like to see this in a cropped version and take out the top section where you have the distant horizon sky line and pillings. That would simplify it even more, because I don't think that the background really adds anything to the image, but this is purely my own opinion and taste. But overall all this is a awesome shot Giuseppe you have a great eye.
  2. Beautiful shot Joseph. I really love your use of color here, having the warm tones with the cool blues and greens really give this image excellent color depth. Really nice composition also, only thing that I would like to see a little different is the orange leaves in the top right corner I wish weren't there. It makes that corner so much brighter than the other corners and my eye keeps wanting to go up there and out of th image. But as we all know with nature getting the perfect compostion isn't always possible and so you have trade offs. One thing I might have tried is to darken that corner some more. If you like these types of images, have you ever seen Charles Cramers work, www.charlescramer.com. Wonderful proffesional landscape photographer and I was blessed enough to be able to take a workshop from him two years ago. This shot reminds me of his work, which is a very high compliment to you. Overall awesome shot Joseph I really love these "portraits of nature" as I like to call them.

    Also I wouldn't worry about the rating system, I have had those types of ratings on just about every image I put up and so I don't put much merit into them. When I see those types of ratings you have to think they probably come from some people that doesn't know the difference between art and a fart. You will also notice they always come from anonymous users.


    Beautiful shot Richard. I love the composition. Stood there at Tunnel view many times my self, magical place. I really love the way the clouds move through the image, which also lends to a lot of reapeating shapes throughout the image, from the mountain peaks to the foreground forest and clouds. Now for perfect world imporvements what I see is a really bad green cast. If this was my image I would convert it to a B&W, which would make this shot come alive. Also clone out those branches sticking in from the top of the frame, it really take aways from the overall composition. Or better yet, crop them out, you don't need that much sky. Anyway well done.


    Beautiful shot, simple compositon, love the way the road takes you through the image. Well balanced with the trees on the R&L, love the quiet peaceful feeling you get with the fog. Well done!

    Independence Day

    Has to be one of the most amazing storm shots I have ever seen. That cloud formation is AWESOME! Tell your friend he captured a once in a life time image here, well done!

    2006-05-27 #2

    Beautiful shot, love the simple composition. Love the nice neutral tones in the image and the sharp rocks with detail against the soft blurred water and sky creates teasion which makes for a really dynamic image. I think sometimes a lot of photographers forget that technique when creating images. Well done Leigh!
  3. Great shot, love the composition and the lighting is awesome. Image has really nice mood to it, love it. Only thing I would change is the image seems to have an overall green cast to it. I would try adding an adjustment layer with Color Balance and add some magenta to it, give it much more neutral color balance, which I think would help. Overall great shot Nuray, well done!

    city garden

    Great shot, love the sunflowers in foreground, really nice composition. I especially like the use of color, with reds, greens, yellows & blues, makes really dynamic image.


    Great compostion, love the use of colors. The cool blue tones in the foreground shadow area just make the image, compliments the warm tones wonderfully. Nice done!
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