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Image Comments posted by evphotography

    The last one...

    Beautiful shot Marc, love the colors here with the warm and cool tones, very dynamic. Very nice composition, but I'm not sure about the horizon, it cuts the image in half through the middle to closely for my taste. I would like to see it with little more foreground below and less sky on top for perfect world improvement. But over all super shot. BTW I love you portfolio, your landscape images are excellent.

    Deep Blue

    Great shot, being a diver myself I can appreciate this image and how hard good shots are to get underwater. I just curious where you were diving when you took this.
  1. Great shot, love simple abstract landscapes. Your use of lines and movement are superb Mark. Love the texture in the image as well. Has great balance to the image, also love the use of color with the warm and cool tones. I might have toned down the saturation on the blue a bit for personal taste, since sand is more natural in color. But overall super image and BTW, checked out your portfolio, very impressive indeed Mark.
  2. Great shot Ryan, Palouse is a magical place and although I have only been there once would love to revisit it again. I really love the colors with warm and cool tones that compliment each other very well. The composition is simple in design as you mentioned, but still very dynamic. I would have also like to have seen this shot with a longer focal length lens and cut out part of sky above the moon and Venus, so they would have appeared larger in the image and gave a little more weight to the overall composition. But well done Ryan and again beautiful shot.
  3. Beautiful waterfall, love the composition and warm tones with cooler tones in the water. Perfect blur in the water. The saturation in the greens is touch heavy, I might have taken little bit less saturation there. Only thing really bothers me is the touch of sky in very top with blown out colorless sky, I would just crop that out. But overall great shot.

    Gateway to Heaven


    Beautiful shot, I really love the contrast between vibrant foreground cliff with soft fog behind in distance, very nice. Really gives a nice mood and dynamic mood to the image. Also the warm tones with cool fog adds lot dynamics to image as well making it very powerful. A++


    I also checked out your portfolio, very nice. I especially like your portraits.

  4. Great shot, love the composition, very simple but dynamic. Really like the use of color with the cool and warm tones, well done. By the look in the water must have been fairly long exposure, how did you get the bird to sit still so long?




    Beautiful shot Piotr, excellent composition. Love the soft light coming in with fog in the trees. Sets a nice mood to the image, well done!

  5. Beautiful shot, love the compositon and use of color with the warm and cool tones makes really dynamic image. Having the stream lead your eye from foreground to background with sun and beautiful sky is perfect. Don't get much better than this, well done
  6. I agree Paul, this lake has so much potential for great images. I love shooting with salt flats, the white salt picks up colors so beautifully. You also get some really great dramatic skies here in Utah. It is such a large lake that I have just begun to explore it, I recently moved here in the last 8 weeks and plan on visiting this lake a lot in years to come. Thanks for the comment!
  7. Great shot Harry, it's neat to see how other photographers capture this icon. I love the composition, like the way you framed the distant mountains with arch and soft glow on horizon with yellow still there. But it appears the underneath of arch isn't lit up like I remember it doing when I shot mine day before you. Did you shoot this just as sun crossed the horizon? Plus it does look like the distant horizon is sloping down.
  8. This was taken one early morning on the Mesquite dunes. It is a

    composite of three seperate images that were stiched together in CS3. I

    really loved the repeating shapes and lines in this shot with the golden

    light you get during sunrise.


    I am not usually one for these types of images being a landscape photographer, but this a great shot. I do love images that tell a story and this one sings out loud. Love the lighting, simple composition with boy and basket on opposite corners gives it great balance and applied vertical lines. Well done Viesturs!
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