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Image Comments posted by evphotography

    Forest I

    Beautiful shot, love lighting in this with rays coming through the trees. Great simple composition that has nice movement in it with the tree lines and road leading you through the image. Only thing bothers me a little is the bright blown out highlights in top left corner. They keep taking me up there and out of the picture. Overall very nice image and well done!
  1. Very nice shot, love the simple composition. I checked out your portfolio and must say you have really great work. Your style I must say is interesting, on so many of your shots they all have nothing but warm tones in them, like this shot here. I personally like to have more color dynamics in my own work, using both warm and cool tones that compliment each other, but that is not said to put down your work. It always fun to see how different photographers use color in their images. Well done and again great shot.

    Morning Glow

    Thank you Richard, that was probably one of nicest compliments I have ever had. One thing I try to do when I visit icons like this is to try and capture it in a way that nobody else has, I don't like to try and copy others photographers sucess with a shot. I was very pleased myself with this image because I felt I had accomplished that.

    The Wave.

    I really like the rocks, great compostion has really nice feel of movement. Sky doesn't look natural to me, almost looks like it was photoshoped in, might be the HDR that did that. Also that one burned out cloud on top of rock peak keeps leading my eye away from main subject since it is the brightest part of the image, I would try to fix that if possible. Overall on nice shot.

    Red Deer

    I like the new crop better, however I think the doding technique on the eye just doesn't look right and like the original as far as the elk goes better. BTW beautiful shot, love the expression you caught and simple backgrond and lighting is awesome. Well done.


    Awesome shot, I'm not usally to big on wildlife shots, but yours is impressive. The expression, light and colors are truely one of best I have seen in long time. Well done Isabel!

    Across The Pond

    Beautiful fall shot, I love the way you used color here. Having leaves in front that repeats same colors in background is great. Nice compostion, love the reflections in the pond, well done Joseph.
  2. Beautiful shot, how funny I was just reading about this place because I am planning a trip there this coming weekend and plan on visiting these ruins. I love the stormy clouds with lighting strikes, great capture. I hope I am as lucky to get a great background sky like you, but I doubt it, maybe my next trip.



    Use posted this and asked for critiques, so I am assuming that is what you want, not just people telling you who much they like or dislike your image.

    First let me say first I have visited Yosemite twice and it can be so overwelming with all the beauty in the park, how do you capture that in a photo. Please take this as a honest critique I am offering to help you improve your images, not to knock down your work.


    First thing it looks like this was taken a little to late in morning because the light is a little harsh. You have a lot of just plain blue sky in the image, but that is just dead space in an image, it doesn't offer anything to the composition. Then in the foreground you have all that pure blacked out area with NO detail at all, which again is just dead space in an image and doesn't offer anything to the composition. Also that tree on left again doesn't look like it belongs there, was just in way when you took the photo, I would have cropped that totally out when shooting the shot. In the highlight areas of the shot you have no pure blacks at all, which make them look flat. You need pure blacks in an image to give it that micro detail and give it little more of three dimensional look. You have pure blacks in the image, but in all the wrong places. Remember when taking a trip to a park like this if you spend 5-7 days there and come away with 3-5 keepers you have done well. Keep going back to a area and wait for the right moment, when there is beautiful sky, stormy clouds or lots of color. Catch that late evening warm light hitting the peaks just before it goes down. Those are the kind of moments you want to capture to really get a stricking image.


    I hope with my critique, you don't take it personally because it was not meant to knock your work, but instead give you suggestions to improve your images. Really study the work of some great photographers and you will see what I am talking about. Then compare that to your work and see what areas you need to improve on to make your work stronger. Good luck Lars, keeping shooting and enjoy it while you do and if your objective when your out taking pictures is to just get some vacation shots, then that is ok to. That is the great thing about photography, it can be Art or just to capture memories for a scrap book.

    Simple Dreams

    Awesome image Mark. I have been watching your work closely ever since you started rising to the top of your proffesion. Of all of your images this is one of my favorites. Probably because one of my favorite photographers and who's work I inspire to the most is Charles Cramer. This image is a lilttle more towards his style of work, which is probably why I am drawn to it. Beautiful shot, love your use of color here and composition is very strong with the repeating patterns in foreground and the trees.

    Cold Avenue

    What an awesome shot Alberto, one of the best compostions I have seen in an image. Love the way the trees fade back into the distant fog. Also love the soft colors, they compliment each other so well and also really add to the mood of the image. One of few images where I can see no flaws, PERFECT!
  3. Beautiful shot, love the way the sandstone spires fall off into the distance horizon, makes for excellent composition. Really love the colors, the soft pastal colors in the sky really compliment the orange in the sandstone. What an incrediable place and really well captured.

    sunrise minimal

    Beautiful shot, I really love the simplicity of this shot in terms of composition. I also really like the use of color with the cool tones and warm tones compliment each other very nicely. Well done!
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