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Image Comments posted by dara



    It is a very interesting and imaginative image. I like the use of back lighting to illuminate your subject in this way. The sillouhetted figure has come out dramtically against what seems like curtains. The curtains/drop themselves are well illuminated and stand in contrast to the figure. Creative work with meaning. (P.S. I would have cut the shaded curtain and objects on the left plus the black strip on the right, just a thought or matter of taste...anyway.... regards



    Very interesting and abstract work. I like the positioning of the walking feet on three levels as well as the well thought out geometry. Very clever and well done. Ciao

  1. Andrea, thanks a lot for your observation and valuable comments here. I try to make some connections, some meanings by taking different subjects in different time frames/ fractions and then connecting them according to my feelings, my conclusions.  Yes my friend the book shop is interesting with its old books and the choices you can find there. Also apart from books in Persian, also various books and collections in French, English, German, Latin, Greek, Russian etc. I take you there. Your visit is much appreciated. Best regards and Ciao Dara

    Marjolein, thanks again for your thoughts and follow up. I am happy that you like this title. Your visit is much appreciated. Best wishes. Dara 


  2. Hello Marjolein, thank you for your kind comments on this image as well as your interesting and humorous observations and thoughts. I apologize for the delay in replying to you sooner, as I had some problems with the firewall on my computer that prevented me from being able to reply here. I like your suggestion for a title, so perhaps I change it to "read my mind" or "his mind" etc. And it sounds as an apt and fitting title here. This is a multiple exposure image using the inbuilt Multi Exp function on my camera, rather than just using Layers in photoshop, Corel etc from two or more seperate photos. In this case, a double exposure function. I first photographed him in the car then turned my camera on the street and saw this book case on the side of the street,waiting at the next traffic light, that I photographed. I composed the second photo of the bookcase such that it would fit onto the face of this man and somehow be in harmony. Sometimes with this double exposure things it works and sometimes it does not...one must carefully think through what one is trying to super impose on the other. I use to do this kind of photography with my Contax film camera that also had a multi exp lever. Yet with a digital camera it is much more convinient, one sees the results immediately on the monitor and there is the possibility for correction and retaking the image, before deciding on the final composition. This man is a Taxi driver by profession and also a friend. He is not an intellectual, or University professor or Doctor of this subject... or Emeritus professor of that field... :-)) I know he has read many books in his spare time, and is also wise perhaps not only from reading books, but by virtue of his profession and dealing with people and the public. Marjolein, I appreciate your comments and in depth observations that are always valuable to me. Best regards to you. Dara

    Hello Maurizio, thank you for your kind comments and interesting and in depth thoughts on this image that are valuable to me and much appreciated. Best regards and Ciao. Dara


    p.s. I think the writer D.H. Lawrence once wrote in one of his essays that "books are just toys of the mind...."        



    Hello Ruud, it is interesting and very well shot in your unique colorful style of photography...well captured expression and moment...Best regards from IR

    A visit to Gaudì.


    The use of arches have perfectly framed your visitors leading the eye into the image and on to them. The use of arches by themselves give an idea of the beauty and interesting architecture of this building's interior. Also nice touch with person walking in. Very nice, soft lighting and a really beautiful image Maurizio. Ciao..... Dara

    Going Global


    Why the ballon in Color? You could also make your message in Black and White....this is a street photograph no manupilatations please...In the west supposedly Mac donalds etc make people poor becouse of U.S. global hegemony....Why? You do not show this....Yet good image....  



    Complicated image...you already say what the problem is with your image,  and explain it although in some ways wrong...Why, should I add to this...It becomes a bit more meaningful when you crop out the lady holding "Manfrotto" tripod case (good tripods) with red curtain as back ground ....



    Hi Samme, thanks for your valuable comments and thoughts on this image, and especially for telling me what you see in this image that I find very interesting and profound. Appreciate your kind visits always. All the best. Dara 

  3. Thank you for the information about the christian women visiting the Church or having visited, which again adds more to the meaning of your photo.

    The Leica Forum is an international site based in Germany. There is also a large English speaking site. The discussion was on the German speaking site. If you wish just call up Leica Forum in your search engine.  There is also another site LFI or Leica Fotografie International, both in English and German with images etc.


  4. The question is that in the Leica Forum site, some people thought that pictures of people taken from behind was really not such a good idea and it did not make for an interesting image in a street, documentary situation. However, I was not so sure, and after viewing the image of Robert Capa taken in Normandy and other photos taken by other masters I came to the conclusion that not so in all cases.

    As for your image, I like the positioning of your main subject woman with rifle foreground following unarmed Arab, Moslem women in the background into the Moslem quarter. It tells me an interesting story. From the way you have shot the image there is a lot to understand from this image. There is strong contrast in the content of this image. I would say well shot and very good documentary image. 


    Just Tulips


    Excellent and beautiful image, with fine details and texture. Thanks for your informative comments in your introduction about the difficulties with the red colour .... Best wishes. Dara

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