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Image Comments posted by dara

    Ukrainian Summer


    Nice the way the pathway draws the eye into the scene. Very nice work and also very well composed and balanced. A scenery that is a great pleasure to look at. So peaceful and beautiful. I also like the river down there. Thanks for sharing. Regards



    Why should pictures of people be taken always from the Front??? A few days ago I went to a photo exhibition of a well known photographer here in Tehran. She had made a whole series of portraits of people, but with their backs facing the camera. Your photograph and hers prove that all rules can be broken in photography. (Of course one must know the rules first) Creative work in color and a interesting story, it seems to be a sensitive conversation, probably business or love ;-)


    Some of the good things imported from the Netherlands here, and it goes down well on hot days :-)) Cheers Ruud and regards. Dara

  1. Really rich black and white tones and sharp as mentioned. Also, nice fine details, nice catch lights in the eyes, plus a a priceless expression of the "young flamenco lady" :-) a very nice portrait with style. Ciao. Dara

  2. Donna, the facial expression among other things is very well drawn. It tells me a lot, also about solitude, old age and perhaps wisdom. Good Portraits. Looking forward to seeing more. Dara

  3. Excellent in timing and moment my friend. The faces in the painting are also waiting.....Well captured color street image..... So many bicycles as well....I know you like to ride them it is very healthy among other things....Best regards

  4. Nikon Cameras, Lenses and Optics are sharp and excellent, but the photographer always counts. (Sometimes I regret having sold my Nikon FM2 and especially the 50mm f/1.4 Nikkor lens that I had.....)  This is a engaging and excellent Portrait Meir. It has a lot of character and style. Good angle, and the way you connect with your subject. Very sharp and interesting image with nice lighting, details and black and white tones..... Dara



    An interesting combination of space, element, geometry, time and moreover light and shadow. Mysterious in a way, it leaves me wondering why he plays the flute in what looks like the stands of a football stadium an interesting story. Creative work Andrea. Ciao Dara

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