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Posts posted by brittany_r._dunks

  1. Thanks for the responses, I just wanted a quick synopsis of these concepts instead of reading through a bunch of long and technical articles. In other words, just simplified. Thanks for the input....I will check out Lightroom since I have heard and seen others who have used it.


    and NO this is not a homework assignment, this is an "I'm at Work and I don't feel like doing it" assignment :)

  2. Hello All~


    I am not in the market to purchase a new body at the moment but I am trying to do some research for when I do. I

    upgraded this summer to the 40D and I am quite pleased with its performance.

    I have friends who shoot with Full Sensor (Nikons) and I am always curious as to what the big difference between the

    cropped vs. FF? I understand the size of the sensor is different but I don't completely understand the impact that has

    on the images. I am assuming the cropped body styles produce more noise etc.? And what exactly does "noise"



    Can anyone give me a little advice on the difference between the two? And also how you feel about the 5D (new or

    older body styles)?


    any input is mucho appreciated. thanks

  3. I just uploaded my last wedding's prints to Smugmug.com. It is the first time I have used this service and I am trying

    to get an idea of how much to charge for individual prints. The bride and groom are ordering prints at cost but I would

    like to (potentially!) make some money from sales to their guests.


    I don't want to undercharge or overcharge. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how much to charge?

    thanks so much

  4. Personally, I don't love using my flash but being the amateur (gaining speed in become "professional", whatever that truly means) I just assumed that it would be an option. I do have access to a monopod and tripod but I've rarely needed to use either, due to fine lighting conditions, but I will be bringing them with me tomorrow during my practice run. I haven't spoken directly with the church yet however, it may be that I cannot use the flash during the ceremony not the entire shoot.

    Anyhow, I am preparing to use a borrowed Canon 50mm, 1.4 lense and my 28-105 as well. I think it will be fine and I once again, appreciate the feedback.

  5. THANK YOU to everyone who replied. I have a friend who has two Canon Prime 30mm and 50mm, 2.8 lenses and/or I may rent one an even faster one. I didn't realize that flash photography would be a problem but you live and learn...luckily I still have some time and didn't figure this out on Saturday.


    thanks everyone

  6. I was informed five days before a wedding I'm shooting that "only natural light" is allowed in the church. Although I'm

    not fully professional, I've photographed five weddings and have enough experience to know what I'm doing, but this is

    the first time I've been told no flash.


    I have a Canon 40D w/a Canon 3.5/4.0 28-105mm lense which doesn't allow much light in but has always worked

    well enough in the past. I usually have my ISO set to 1600 in dark situations and I am aware that I can "push" the

    exposure somewhat but I feel like even with these settings, it's still not going to be enough light.


    At this point I feel like one solution is to rent a low aperture lense (although it's not ideal due to costs) OR use my

    flash anyway (I usually bounce my flash anyway, so it's not as distracting). I would rather not have to argue with the

    church but I feel that this is not normal considering the church is not historic.


    Does anybody know of a solution to this problem, other than the things I have already come up with? Is this a normal

    requirement of your average, suburban church? I really don't feel like it is but I'm still somewhat amatuer.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (SOON!!!)


    thank you

  7. I have recently battled with my prints being cropped when I enlarge them.

    Photo.net users have helped me realize the reason why they're being cropped is

    due to the fact that the dimensions of the digital images in the camera do not

    match up to those of 5x7's and 8x10's etc.


    My question now is:

    How do I crop the images to be able to print exactly to these sizes? Do I just

    need to have the right dimensions that are proportionate to the desired print


    Do i have to do this in photoshop, save them and then upload to whatever web

    service? Are there other (free) programs that I can use?


    hopefully this makes some sense!


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