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Posts posted by brittany_r._dunks

  1. <p>I go back and forth between shooting jpeg and raw. I understand both have benefits.<br>

    My question is:<br>

    If I shoot raw, upload them into a convertor (lightroom) and then export them into a jpeg format, isn't that losing data anyway? The images are compressed to be much smaller, so is data getting lost in this process? I know I can save in different formats, but I prefer jpegs.<br>

    I did some tests of this, I didn't do any PP to the raw file, simply uploaded, exported. <br>

    Is there a difference between editing the RAW file in PS vs. editing the coverted jpeg? </p>



  2. <p>This may seem simple, but I am wondering if anyone knows how to create a collage/template such as these:</p>



    <p>In Photoshop, I know that I can manually resize the photos, arrange the layers and drag until they look okay, but that seems tedious. I was wondering if there is an easier way, or any (free!) software where I could pick X # of photos and drop them in quickly. </p>


  3. <p>HI All,</p>

    <p>I'm trying to determine an hourly rate (in the D.C. area) for on-set candid shots of the shooting of a promo video for a TV show. <br>

    They told me to look around at other local photographers and determine an hourly rate, but I can't really find anything. <br>

    I do a lot of events/weddings/portraits but I feel like this is a little different and don't want to over/under charge.</p>

    <p>any suggestions? thanks</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>I'm very new to studio/portrait lighting techniques and I am trying to decide what lights I should buy.<br>

    I just bought a very basic light set up, with two stands and two umbrellas but I realize the lights are very low watt (this was a craigslist purchase, so no big deal). <br>

    I am still not sure if I should go with strobe vs. continuous yet.<br>

    But for continuous, what is the ideal wattage for an in home studio, portrait set up? <br>

    Any recommendations on your favorite/simple/not too expensive lights, that are portable?</p>


  5. <p>I have some events coming up that are on the water, with sunset being behind the subjects. I have a Canon 550EX flash but I am aware that I may need more fill light than what one flash can produce.<br>

    There are no power outlets close to the location(s). What other lighting source can I bring? Should I just invest in another flash, on a monopod and sync it? I'm very new to lighting techniques, so please excuse my ignorance...any advice would help. thanks.</p>

    <p> </p>

  6. <p>Hello All~<br>

    I have a couple projects coming up where I need to make custom photo collages. I am aware that Google Picasa has an "easy" program but I'm not sure about the quality when exported as I have done them and it comes out 2GB or less in size.<br>

    I have Adobe CS-Photoshop, Illustrator and also Photoshop Elements 7. I have a friend who said that Illustrator is what he uses for layouts... I'm NOT very experienced with these programs, but can learn if it is recommended that they're the best.<br>

    I was wondering what you would recommend, out of these, or other programs that will export HIGH resolution/high quality jpegs. Also, if anyone has links to tutorials on creating custom (not template) collages that may help as well.<br>


    <p> </p>

  7. <p>I have Photoshop CS and do not use it regularly; everything I've taught myself is very basic. I do use Lightroom 2 on a regular basis and am now wondering if I should bother to try to pull some specific photos into PS for additional (better?) editing.<br>

    I am not very comfortable in PS, and from what I've read, a lot of advice says it's not necessary...<br>

    I guess my main question is:<br>

    What does PS do that Lightroom does not for basic editing? (besides effects, which is not what I'm going for). <br>

    Does anyone have any links/advice on simple PS editing? any advice is appreciated. thanks</p>

  8. <p>Hello All~<br>

    I need to make a photography website and was wondering if anyone can give me advice on:<br>

    1) Companies/templates/hosts etc. that you recommend, If I can possibly do this myself, I will (and hopefully affordably!)<br>

    2) I have many types of jobs (or will soon) weddings, events, bands, sports etc. How many images do you feel are effective for a website? Since I have so many types of photo, I'm assuming I'd keep each type separate, so maybe four links to a gallery based on the subject.<br>

    3) Any other "must haves" on a website? (I'm not too sure I want to put pricing on it, since I vary pricing based on individual needs of each shoot)<br>

    4) Also, I'm still not sold on my company name. I've read opinions on how to name your photo business. Currently I've just operated as Brittany Renee Photography, but that seems so boring to me. I've read that you SHOULD keep your name in it somehow but I'm not sure what is more professional/standard.</p>

    <p>thanks for any input</p>

    <p> </p>

  9. <p>Hello All~<br>

    I am trying to find "new" poses for the B&G and/or the entire wedding party. In general I don't like having to pose people, I prefer candid shots, but obviously it's necessary to pose the wedding party.<br>

    Maybe there are types of poses people have received positive (or negative) feedback on. Or what do you think is classy vs. cheesy poses? Or standard shots that you feel must be included. etc...<br>

    I know I can look online for a million examples to get ideas, I just thought I'd throw this out there and see what people think.<br>


    <p> </p>

  10. <p>Hello All<br>

    I have a project coming up involving skateboarding, not my typical thing, but I'm always down to try new things. I have a Canon 40D, so with the cropped body all my lenses will be magnified 1.6x.<br>

    I am just trying to determine if I can get the true fish eye look w/this body and a typical fisheye lens? I don't own one, I'm looking to rent one within a range of size 4.5mm to 15mm, with the intent of the smaller focal length being more distorted/circular effects, I guess?<br>

    Does anyone have any advice for this situation? I am not sure how dramatic the shots (in other words, distorted) need to be yet....Does anyone have any websites or examples of skating shots done with a fisheye on a cropped body? Or just any advice would be helpful. Thanks for any input...</p>

  11. <p>Thank you for the tips. I was eyeing up my apartment last night thinking it may be the most comfortable place for both of us. I have a Canon 40D w/a Sigma 30mm 1.4 lens and a Canon 550EX flash. I may also have access to a couple other lenses through a friend but I tend to always use the 30mm.<br>

    I was thinking I could have her sit in front of a sheet/fabric backdrop, and bounce the flash, and yes, experiment w/light sources. As far as environmental photos go, I think I'm okay w/shooting outside, I have more experience w/that... I was more concerned about the close up portraits.<br>

    thank you again</p>

  12. <p>I have been asked by a friend to shoot some headshots and/or portraits for her modeling portfolio. I have very little experience in this area of photography since I mostly focus on events, live music, etc.<br>

    I do not have access to a studio w/lighting (although if I did I think I'd be okay w/setting one up b/c I used one in college). I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how I can still do this without a studio. Do you think I can do headshots etc. completely in natural light (outside)? At this point I can't even think of an indoor location that has a large window to let light in but finding one is probably more realistic than renting a studio (this is a low paying job, if I'm paid at all)...<br>

    I have read through numerous forums on here and have taken advice from them but I still don't feel 100% confident that I can get the results she will need to succeed as a model. I also don't want to tell her NO either...<br>

    ANY and all suggestions on creating a nice portfolio for her are welcome. thank you</p>


  13. <p>Hello All~<br>

    A friend recently asked me this: Are there any places that have a studio set up (with backdrop, lights etc.) that they can rent by the hour/day and use themselves. They have a high-end digital camera, understand photography basics, and just want the ability to do it themselves.<br>

    I have used studios in colleges before but have never had a need to research if these services exist. My searching online didn't really find me much....<br>

    anyone have any recommendations? Specifically in the MD/DC/VA area...<br>


  14. I agree w/charging below rates, even for referrals from friends...I have yet to quote even the lowest priced photographers I've seen in the Maryland/DC/VA area....

    I think the lowest advertised rate I saw for a typical wedding was $900, which was very limited and did not include summer weekends. I think the average rate I've seen is $1500-$4000.


    I guess then my next question would be: If the many professional rates are $1500 to say $2500, what is a safe range for my work? Most of my portfolio has been shot w/an older camera and lens, without much editing, and knowledge, all of which has improved, even since my last wedding in August.....

    (i say last because, my most current/Becky&Will wedding was a friend, done for free, and I was a guest. I'm not saying I'm not satisfied with the work but I wasn't technically "working" although I still am using it in my portfolio)

  15. Yes, I am in agreement with some of the statements above. I am very aware that there are certain things I need to

    work on and I feel that I am constantly growing and learning...especially this past year, if not the past months and


    I am nowhere near the level of SOME professional photographers but then I compare my work with others and I see

    myself as on par, if not better, at times. I have not gotten to the point of even having my own website/advertising just

    for this reason, I don't feel 100% comfortable putting myself out there at this point....I can't help it that people who

    know me are referring me, and I'm not going to turn them away....


    As far as "style" goes? You looked at my work, but I don't know what subject matter the "no sense of individual

    style" is referring to? I am assuming weddings...not sure, but I feel like I actually do have a style, at least w/some

    stuff....and I've gotten a lot of praise from the people I have done work for.

    Lighting and posed portraits are lacking, I agree, although I don't particularly LOVE posed portraits but i guess

    they're necessary for some things. Thanks for the critiques, I'm not pretending I completely know what I'm

    doing....that's why I am on photo.net...

  16. Yes, I have done research on many local wedding photographers prices/packages before.

    The last time I quoted a wedding job it was the most I had ever done to date (but STILL way less than the average going rate)...needless to say, they didn't call back....I wasn't that concerned about not getting the job since I knew that I was still giving them a good rate. (in this case they were referred by a friend who I DID give a good deal).


    If I keep quoting these low rates I also fear that I will be known as "cheap" and that's the only kind of people I will be getting calls from.


    thank you for the advice thus far!

  17. Hello All~


    I am getting more inquiries for photo jobs and almost all my business is from my network/friends and word of mouth.

    In the past I have mostly done friend's weddings, events, bands etc. for free or for much less than market rate, just to

    a) get the experience and b) to help them out (in some cases, or as a gift)


    I've now reached a point where I feel my work warrants more money than it has in the past. I am worried I will either

    continue to charge too little or, if I do charge what I feel I am worth, that I won't get the job...

    I've always maintained that "I'd rather do SOME work for less money than do nothing at all"....but it's frustrating when

    I see how much I COULD be making. I get all kinds of jobs, none are too small at this point, but I don't want to work

    for peanuts either.


    Has anyone battled with what to charge people before? I guess one response to this would be "grow a backbone and

    tell them how it is" but it's not always that easy given a lot of these people know me personally.


    Can anyone give me a simple way to calculate how to base my fees? I mostly do event photography (birthday

    parties, weddings, art shows, concerts etc.) Normally I factor in: time, number of guests, how much editing I think it

    will require etc. but I have no set formula,it's always on a case-by-case basis. I've even tried to come up w/packages

    (for weddings) and just decided that what I like the best is the flexibility of an individual package based on the clients'



    any suggestions are appreciated.

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